Chapter 49

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The tension was so thick you cut have cut it with a rusted spoon. Everyone were walking on eggshells to try and avoid triggering Jenika. Anything to do with Tim would set her off and she'd start ranting and raving about nonsensical things. How she believed Tim & Celestia were having an affair. How Celestia was trying to steal her life. That was the least crazy things she was spewing. The smaller Rupp knew that the time was almost right.

Jenika finally caught Tim backstage by himself as he was finishing up his daily work-out. She shoved him hard as she began accusing him of cheating with Celestia. She swore there was money missing from her wallet and knew that the "depraved convict" had stolen it. Tim rolled his eyes as he took his water bottle and towel and tried to walk back to his dressing room. She tripped her husband making him fall.

"What the hell, Jenika?" He yelled, nostrils flaring, as he stood up.

She went to hit the bass man but someone caught her hand.

"I don't think that's a smart move, baby cakes." Celestia hissed.

"Let go of me you worthless piece of trash." Jenika yanked her hand back.

"Spew hate at me all you want. Leave Tim the hell alone." Celestia raised her eyebrow.

"You are the reason my marriage went to shit!" Jenika went to slap Celestia but the smaller blond woman once again caught her hand before she could.

"No. You ruined your marriage. These stupid accusations. Your wild hatred of me for no reason. You are the one driving everyone away. Not me." Celestia countered.

"What's going on?" Abe and Cole asked as they walked up to Tim.

He explained what had happened and how Celestia had walked up on them. Abe shot a text to Luke so he knew what was happening.

"You're trying to steal my husband! Everyone but Adam seems to know you're fucking Tim!" Jenika screamed.

"Who said Adam doesn't know? (Everyone gasped) I mean, who's to say that Adam isn't involved?" Celestia smirked

Jenika's jaw hit the floor. That was not something she was expecting. Celestia glanced at Tim and then winked before turning her attention back to Jenika. The bass man burst out laughing realizing what his friend was doing. Cole began texting everyone to tell them to get backstage. Tim began filming the encounter so they had proof if they needed it.

"What? Tim wouldn't...with another man?" Jenika's eyes were wide.

"Are you sure about that? Maybe it's not me he's having an affair with. You've been so blinded by your hatred of me, you couldn't see the reality before you." Celestia laughed, "And before you ask, no, I don't mind them being together. Poor Tim needs someone to give him what he needs since he's clearly not getting it from you."

Cole and Abe started laughing. Tim was straight and they all knew it. On top of that, he'd never cheat on his partner.

"You're still a home-wrecking whore! Adam would still be married to Ericha if it weren't for you!" Jenika screamed.

"Actually, Ericha and I were already on rocky terms when I joined the pen-pal program. Celestia just helped me through the divorce." Adam corrected the blond.

"Stay out of this, you no-brained idiot." Jenika hissed at the blond beatboxer.

"Jen, I wouldn't talk trash to Adam." Cole shook his head.

"I'll talk however I want to, to anyone." She retorted, "I'm not afraid of the midget."

"You should be." Celestia dropped her voice.

"What are you gonna do, little girl? Bite my ankles!" Jenika laughed at her own joke.

Celestia began taking some deep breaths to calm herself down. As badly as she wanted to beat Jenika's ass, she knew she had to goad the taller blond into striking first. Adam had a few words for his tour manager which angered her. Hearing Tim's phone notification seemed to set the blond off. Before she could reach the bass man, Celestia had a hold of her.

"I wouldn't think about touching him." Celestia warned.

That's all it took. Jenika back-handed Celestia splitting the smaller woman's lip. Tim continued to film. Gasps could be heard. No one really expected Jenika to be this way. Celestia laughed as she licked her bottom lip. Jenika balled her fist and went to hit the smaller woman but Celestia ducked. She grabbed Jenika's right arm and pulled it behind her back.

"I let you win the first time we got into because I didn't want to go back to jail." Celestia warned in Jenika's ear, "There's nothing holding me back this time, bitch."

She shoved Jenika forward as Luke joined the group. He knew this was it. Jenika back-kicked Celestia in the knee making the smaller woman let go as she groaned in pain. Before she could react, Jenika lunged forcing them both to the ground. Adam gasped as he watched the scene before him.

"Jenika, you need to back off! You've attacked one of the band which you should have been fired for..." Luke started out.

"Stay out of this!" She connected her fist with Celestia's face once more, "This is between me and her!"

"Jenika, this is your last chance to stop this madness." Luke's firm voice had no effect on the crazed blond.

A/N: Well, the fight is on now! Who do you think'll win? What's gonna happen to Jenika now? Will Tim & Pippa find true love? Will Celestia be taken to jail? :P Thanks for reading so far and I hope you're sincerely enjoying this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

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