Chapter One: Looks

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As the annoying alarm clock ringed loudly in my ear, I rolled over and slammed my fist on the off button. I rested my head back on my pillow and and lazily opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. The early sun rays beamed through my window shades and left parallel lines of light on the ceiling that seemed to flow to my wall until it ended. I sat up and rubbed my eyes so that they didn't sting from being so dry. I could see the music posters that I had hung up when I first arrived at my dorm room. A Pan!c at the Disco poster with Brandon Urie staring back at me. 

"God he's so hot" I though to myself as I smirked. I pushed the plaid bed sheets off as I pushed my legs to the edge of the bed. I pushed myself up and out of bed and grabbed some jeans that where  hanging over the back of my desk chair. The color had faded due to washing it multiple times but I didn't mind. I slipped them on and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the light to see my messy bed hair.

My dark brown eyes looked slightly blood shot due to staying up late the previous day. I rushed a hand through my black hair, fantasizing about dying it a different color. I didn't like my look because I look too average. I grabbed my red tooth brush and tooth paste and began to brush my teeth.


I shut the bathroom light off and felt refreshed after cleaning myself up. I looked over to my desk and saw that I had left my laptop open. Thankfully it had went into sleep mode and was charging while I had used it. I walked over and slowly closed the top and began to gather my other books from the desk. The apple on the back had a sticker that made it look like a rainbow. I slipped the thin laptop into its case and and stuffed my books into my backpack once I noticed I was gonna be late for class if I didn't run now. 

I ran to my closet and grabbed my favorite hoodie with a rainbow musical g note on the chest. I ran to the door and grabbed my keys of my dresser and ran out the door. I slammed the door and locked it and began to sprint towards the class. I made a quick right and ran down the stairs towards the front and shoved through different people coming my way. I pushed the door open and dashed through the grassy quad and could smell the nice wet grass. As I continued to sprint across to the theatrical building, I could feel my bag began to slide down the sides of my arms. The material of the straps started to rub against my exposed skin and began to burn. I grabbed the straps and pulled them up.

As I neared the corner towards my class, I slammed straight into someone who was coming around at the same time as you. As papers flew into the air, hard cover textbooks made loud slamming noises as they collided with the ground. I had fallen on my butt and looked up to see another guy. His beautiful blue eyes that shimmered like the ocean starred back at me and I began to lightly blush. He quickly shuffled the papers into a stack and I picked myself up and began to grab his textbooks.

I grabbed his last textbook and realized that it was a music history book. I looked up to see him shoving the loose papers into his shoulder bag. I handed back the textbooks shyly and he quickly grabbed them.

"Sorry for bumping into you." I said in a quiet tone.

"It's okay, I should have been looking where I was going instead of looking at my phone." He replied with the most beautiful voice I had ever heard in my life. It sounded like silk dancing around my ears.

"I noticed that you have a music history textbook." I said with a timid smile.

"Oh, yeah. I'm trying to look for the class but can't find it anywhere. Do you know where it is? I'm kinda new to the campus." He asked, with a light pink blush on his clear skin.

I could tell that he was shy as well but there was something about him that made him stand out.

"Oh, well your actually headed the wrong way. Its that way." I pointed behind him. "Follow me, I'm going there as well so I'll take you there." I said.

"Oh sweet, thank you so much!" He exclaimed which left a small smile on my face.

As we headed into the lecture room, the bell immediately rang loudly behind us and we hurried to get a seat. I placed my laptop bag onto to the empty seat next to me and unstrapped my backpack and laid it at my knees. The guy who I had bumped into sat next to me and settled his things near him as well.

" Oh, my name is Damien!" he said "Whats yours?" he questioned.

"Elliot, Elliot price." I replied with a small smile.


As we exited the lecture hall, Damien had asked if I could show him around the campus so that he could remember where everything is. I had thought about it over the lecture and said yes. As we made our way through the campus, I had but one question that I was wondering.

"Hey, are you going to be living in a dorm or are you from here?" I asked.

"I'll be staying in a dorm, because my house is a three our drive from here so me and my parents thought it would be better if I stayed here." He replied, looking at something at his phone.

"Do you know what dorm you'll have and which building?" I said looking at the beautiful bright blue sky, clear as day.

"I'll be staying in building B in room 308." His answer caused me to stop and look at him.

"That's where I'm staying." I said as he looked up from his phone.

"Well, that sure is a crazy coincidence." He chuckled.


As I escorted Damien to our dorm room, I was carrying a small box that had the simple word "Clothes" on it as it was filled to the brim with shirts and pants. As we approached the door, I settled the box down and fumbled in my pocket for my keys. I inserted the key into the slit and turned it until it clicked and pushed the door open. I blushed slightly as I realized the room was a bit messy on my side after I rushed to get to class.

I squished myself to the door so Damien could go in first and have look around the room. I picked up the box and walked over to his bed and plopped it down. I could see that he was admiring the small, yet roomy space and noticed my side that was decorated. 

"Sorry its a bit messy" I said reluctantly "I had been running a bit late and rushed out the door." I added.

"Don't worry about, I'm a bit messy myself." He winked as he continued to monitor the room. "Oh, I still need to get the last of my boxes, otherwise I'll be sleeping without  a blanket." He said as he headed for the door.

"Do you need anymore help?" I questioned.

"Nah, its okay. I can get the rest, but thanks for asking." And with that he disappeared passed the door.

I decided to start cleaning up my mess as I picked up my favorite blanket and neatly folded it. I continued to find stray laundry that needed to be washed or pencils that fell off my desk. I made my bed and rearranged the pillows in the right order. 

I found one of my shoes that was missing its other half and began to look for the other shoe. I peaked under the bed to see if it was there when suddenly a voice spoke from behind me making me jump and bang my head against the bed.

I planted my hand on the back of my head as the pain pounded like a small headache.

"Oh my gosh, sorry I didn't mean to spook you." Damien said whilst placing down the last box that had the word "Bedding" underlined. " Hey, since we have some time left before our next class... do you have any place where we could get something to eat?" He questioned before staring down at me.

"Oh, actually I do have one place in mind!" I said excitedly.

The pain slowly went away as I grabbed my computer bag and headed for the door.

"Follow me and I'll take you there." I said with a small smile as I reached for my keys. 

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