Getting Caught

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        After that wonderful night Cam and you had, you started to date. It was more of a secret though. None of the guys knew and that's what made it better. You have had trouble keeping this from Matt but honestly you didn't care. You and Cam were great together. Secret or not.

        Matt had invited you to hang out with the boys. Of course you went. You loved the guys after meeting them. You couldn't wait to chill with them again.... until you figured out cameron was going to be there. You kind of figured it but you weren't sure. You had been so turned on to Cam lately it was hard to get off of him when things got heated between you two. So when you got there and saw Cameron dressed all nice, it was hard to keep your cool.

        You sit down between Matt and Nash. You see Cameron looking at you constantly. You can't help it. You get up and kinda nod your head to invite Cameron to the bathroom. No one really questions it. No one really noticed. You get back there, close the door, and automatically jump on Cam. You guys start to makeout hard. Shirts flying off and things getting even more heated. Only one problem: you forgot to lock the door. That was the worse idea you had all night. Because before you guys got to anything super sexual, Matthew opened the door. You both look at him in shock. 

        "WHAT THE HELL?!" Matthew yells. This causes all the guys to rush to the door. All their jaws drop. Cameron finally drops you as you start to put on your shirt. Oh my gosh is all you can think. What will Matthew do? What will happen to your friendship. What will happen to your and Cam's relationship?

        Well all of that was settled pretty quickly because as soon as Cameron and you walk out, Cameron is shoved up against a wall by Matt as Nash takes you into the living room. It was force. You wanted to see what was going on. But you could only hear.

"What the hell are you doing with Y/N, Cameron?"

"Why does it matter?" 

You hear Matthew slam him back against the wall. You can hear the anger in Matt's voice.

"It matters because she is like my sister. And you're like my brother. And..."

"And what?" Cameron asks. He seemed to already know the answer when Matthew said it/

"And I'm in love with her..."

You're eyes open wide as you release from Nash's grip and run to Matthew and Cam. Matthew releases Cam when he sees you. He looks at you in embarrassment. You didn't know what to do, so you ran.

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