Chapter 6

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Samskriti couldn't sleep that night. She was walking in the balcony thinking a lot. The moon was the only source of light and in someway she loves this darkness. She looked at the sky trying to figure out her mom in the form of a star. She heard a lot in her childhood days that dead people will appear as stars in night and come to see their favorite people. She believes it for the sake of her peace. She spotted a star which is standing alone and bringing light at her. She feels like it is shining only for her. A large smile crept on her lips assuming her mom's face hiding inside the star.

"There you are. Was searching for you for a long time"she was excited.

"Why are you looking at me as if I have grown a horn?"she giggled at her own thought

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"Why are you looking at me as if I have grown a horn?"she giggled at her own thought.

"May be I have. Because I am so happy today. Dont know why my scares are getting fade away whenever he is with me. I feel secure. A feeling that no one can harm me when he is with me. Noone will snatch my family from me when he is there to save us. Why mom? Why?"she asked looking at the star.

She was stunned when she felt that the star winked at her.

"Are you making fun of me? You too mom. Already no one is hearing me here. Appa, akka and Anna all are thinking about that Vinayak more than me each day. And him. Mr. Devil. He is on a war with god. Stupid."She complained.

"But still I can't stop thinking about them. About him too. Laksh.."she bited her tongue realizing what she said.

"Why am I thinking so much about him? Why he is not getting out from my mind? Idiot he is. Oh god. What kind of a man he is?"

She felt her mom laughing at her seeing her daughter's mad behavior. She pouted.

"See mom. This is my problem. He is not listening to my words, not giving a damn to me. Then also I am trying to show him right and wrong. Am I mad? I am the real stupid."she said.

You are the best.
She heard a voice and looked around to find no one there.
"Mom, did you say something?"she rolled her eyes. She smacked her head.

"Didn't I tell you I am getting mad? He will make me mad soon." She scolded with a smile.
"But seriously what happened to me? Why I am taking such effort to change someone who is not ready to listen me? Any answer mom."she asked.

She didnt feel any response.
"Someone pls help me before I becomes completely mad."she shouted.

You are in love my angel.
She couldn't believe what she heard.
"What? Who said that? Did you say it? Love??? How?"she was shocked.

My angel is in love with her devil.
Once again she felt that voice. She freezes on the place. She couldn't realize what state she is going through. She looked at the star once again and she felt her mom smiling. She smiled back while tears flowing down her cheeks.

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