Chapter 9

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Sooryamoorthi's plan started succeed. He made Vinayak's all factories and companies got raid. So many of his illegal activities along with drug deals caught. Sooryamoorthi's friends in police department helped him to make Vinayak running for money. Since he didn't get any prior clue, Vinayak was helpless. He couldn't do anything when all his men got arrested. And atlast police arrested his son Prabhakar too which shattered him completely.

Sooryamoorthi slowly opened his daughter's room and entered into it only to see Samskriti still laying on bed lazily with her eyes opened. He looked at the clock to see 8:30 am. He wondered for a moment what happened to his ever energetic hard working girl.

Hearing the footsteps she quickly removed the blanket and sat on bed. Seeing her father she smiled. He sat beside her with a concerned face.
"How is your wound?"he asked observing her hand.
"It's fine Appa."she replied.
"Why are you not talking with me now a days? Are you offended with me?"he asked worrying.
"No Appa. I am not. It's like... I..."she didn't get words to complete.
"Yes... complete it angel."he said.

She kept quiet.
"What happened to you dear? What should I do to return back your smile?"he asked.
She wiped the drop of tear which was about to fall down from her father's eyes.
"I am happy Appa."she said faking a smile.
"Are you sure?"he asked and she nodded.
"Then why are you not going to your dance class?"he asked holding her hand.

She thought for a moment.
"I am going....let me get ready."she stood up from bed and walked towards the washroom.
Sooryamoorthi smiled. But still he was sure that his daughter is hiding something from him.

Samskriti got ready in a purple color salwar and wrapped the shawl around her neck. She sighed looking at the mirror. She was lazy and she didn't want to go. She took her bag from the table and went out. She was walking towards the road when someone held her wrist from back. She turned back shockingly and her face changed into a scowl. It was Laksh but now his face can no longer make her happy.

"Where are you going?" He asked.
"None of your business."she said maintaining the serious expression on her face.

He was shocked with her sudden reply.

"It's definitely my business especially when I have the duty to protect you."he said sternly.
"Then listen. I am going for my dance class and for god sake dont follow me. I dont want any protection from you."she said joining her both hands.
He became sad hearing her.

"Samskriti,listen to me for once."he requested.
"Leave me Laksh. I don't want to see your face. Pls stay away from me."she snarled.
"But...."he couldn't complete.
"I hate you Laksh."her words made him shocked.

He felt his entire world shattering for a moment. He looked at here and there but not on her face. He blinked his eyes many times to control his emotions.

"I hate you and I am sure that that's exactly what you want from me. Are you happy now? I won't disturb you again. So please leave me my way. I won't come to involve in your personal matters anymore. You were right. Our paths are different."she stated.

"Just stop this. Hate me or love me. But don't try to avoid me. I can't stay away from you. Did you understand? "he snarled with red shot eyes. For a moment she was confused.

"What did you say?"her eyes shined. For a second she thought that her dreams didn't shatter completely.
He became alert on what he said and looked at her intense eyes. Their eyes got locked.

A lorry passed through the road making loud horn. It was then they realized where they are standing. He averted his eyes from her making her disappointed.
"Repeat what you said."she asked making him blank.
"I mean I can't stay away from you. You are my responsibility and I should protect you."he said deceiving himself.

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