Chapter 5

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"10 mins to go ladies..." Death says staring at a small black hour glass.

War looks up from her map. "Here's the plan. Death will fetch pollution and bring him through the black door where we will be waiting, We shall pass him a sword as if  we are waiting to initiate him. Then it shall start. Over the pacific ocean BP will start dumping oil at a gallon per minute, 30 Indonesians will start burning their factories releasing major amounts of noxious gas, and 40 Japanese whaling ships will capture a record number of creatures, this will cause death, war and sickness so we will need to get these people before they get to their stations. Pollution wants to distract us so that he can kill our 'memories' the things that keep us alive. Famine's scales, my sword, Death's scythe and your crown...Lucky for us you haven't found your crown yet, so you'll be able to fight longer than us. Pestilence  you have to debilitate these people so that they won't be able to fight with him. As more people show up to be his servants you'll need to get them down. And then you'll join us in fighting him..."  War is breathless as she finishes her long winded speech. 

I look down at the map of the area we plan to target first, how am I going to stop them, while making it seem legitamate? When I was in school we learnt about amoebic dysentry hitting the area pretty hard, perhaps they can have another strain. I signal goodbye to the others and head outside.

My horse is already waiting for me by the door, chomping away at the strange patch of grass that had appeared there. I climb on and wish it to take me to my destination. I spot a group of people who seem to match my targets profiles gathering a large amount of plastic near the bank of a river. I land just behind them, creeping slowly in case they can sense my presence. One turns to me and I raise my sword in the air bringing it down over his head. Immediately a look of confusion comes over the group before they all race to the middle of town heading straight for the public 'toilets'.  It seems that my work with these men are done as their faces on my list slowly fade. 

With a whoosh I'm up heading to the next group of people I need to infect.

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