Too fast, Bro

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I'm sorry for being inactive.


I jumped to my bed.


I'm her big fan, I even leave Thailand to see her. It's been 3 days since Jennie's comeback "SOLO" and earlier was her first stage in Inkigayo, of course I watched and waved her light stick. I'm supporting her on her promotions, and this is the time I saw her so I felt so happy.

Tomorrow will be her first fan meeting, I can't believe I will see her up close, I want to touch her hand, pinch her cheeks and hug her tight.

I am happy on stanning her, if y'all can relate, she's so cute. She's a dumpling. But she has a dark side, she's hot, her cat eyes can kill. She can make me wet when I'm watching her, I do masturbate sometimes when she's doing a sexy dance. Just kidding.

Right now I'm watching her cute moments again, then I clicked her performance earlier, that I watched live. I smiled 'cause she got the 1st place.

"How I wish I could see you, be friends with you or anything." I sighed. "Bro up there? Come on help me to be with Jennie."

"Well that's impossible." I said again and closed my eyes.

I frowned when I heard a not-so-good noise from the hotel door. I guess someone's trying to break it (?)

"What the fuck it's already 11pm-" I hissed but my eyes widened 'cause I saw the love of my life. Oh God is this for real? Is this Jennie Kim?

And she's drunk?! How-

"Uhmm." She leaned on me and her head  dropped on my shoulder. I quickly assisted her.

"O-h my God. Oh my God." That's all I can say. I was shaking. Like damn shaking. Is this for fucking real?

"Bed. Bed." She groaned so I let her walk but she can't. I had no other choice but to carry her and put her on my bed.

I was about to stay away from her but she pulled me.

"Water." She said so I immediately looked for water, and eventually gave it to her. She sat on the bed and drink it. I sat beside her, I'm still shaking as fuck. I don't know how to react.

I hold the glass after then asked her, "W-what happened to you? How did you get here?"

And she did the most unexpected thing she could do.

She kissed me, right on the lips. My eyes widened but her soft, delicious lips made me close my eyes.

Is this a dream?

Too fast Bro, too fast.

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