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Chapter twenty:

*2 weeks later*

*Abby's p.o.v.*

It's been two weeks since the interview happened. I've been feeling worse and worse each day, mostly because of being pregnant and I'm in a lot of pain. I have an ultrasound later on today, that way Steve and I get to find out if we're going to have a baby boy or a baby girl. I would really like a baby girl, while Steve would really like a baby boy. Everyone is trying to figure out if we're going to be having a son or a daughter.

"Abby are you ready to go?" Steve asked.

"Yes I'm ready to go Steve," I said as I stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"Whoa I'll carry you out babe," he said.

"No I'm fine with walking," I said.

"No I'll carry you out babe, I really don't want you to hurt yourself, besides I think that it would be best if you let your body rest," he said.

"Okay you can carry me out," I said.

"Okay." He said. Steve picked me up in his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck, but not to hard because I don't want to hurt his neck. As soon as Steve and I were outside of the rv, a cab pulled up and we got in. I put my head on Steve's shoulder and closed my eyes, he wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. We got to the hospital a few minutes later and Steve picked me up in his arms and carried me into the hospital.

"Hey," the nurse said.

"Hey," Steve said.

"Do you guys have an appointment?" She asked.

"Yes, I do," I said.

"What for?" She asked.

"An ultrasound," I said.

"First name and last name?" She asked.

"Abigail Richter," I said.

"Okay and I'm guessing that he's the dad," she said.

"Yes I'm the dad," Steve said.

"You two can come right into room ten, I'm nurse Megan Perry," she said.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Yes it's nice to meet you," Steve said.

"And it's nice to meet the two of you." She said. We followed her into room ten. It wasn't a really big room, but it also wasn't a really small room, it was just right. Of course Steve carried me in his arms all the way to room ten. When we got into the room, he carried me over to the bed that was in the middle of the room. The first thing that nurse Megan did was put a gel on my stomach. In a few minutes she had a result.

"Are you two ready to find out the sex of your baby?" She asked.

"Yes," Steve and I said at the same time.

"Well actually you're having twins," she said.

"Twins?" Steve asked.

"But I wasn't born a twin and neither was Steve, I always thought that you had to be born as a twin or that the other person had to be born as a twin in order for you to have twins," I said.

"Well yes but sometimes if someone else in your family was born as a twin, it's possible that you can give birth to twins," she said.

"Would that explain why she's been hurting a lot?" Steve asked.

"Yes that's why she's hurting a lot," she said.

"What's the sex of the twins?" I asked.

"A boy and a girl " she said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

"I guess we both get our wish," I said.

"Yeah I guess we do," Steve said.

"Okay I'll get you a copy of the ultrasound and than you two can be on your way home," she said.

"Okay." We said.

A few minutes later she returned with the copy of my ultrasound. We thanked nurse Megan and than Steve picked me up in his arms. A car pulled up a few minutes later. It was the cab that we were waiting for. We opened the backdoor and got inside. I put my head on Steve's shoulder and closed my eyes. It was about a ten minute drive before we reached the rv. Once we got to the rv we got out of the cab and thanked the driver. We walked into the rv. I was still in Steve's arms.

"So what's the result is it a boy or a girl?" Camm asked.

"Cute story," Steve said.

"What's the cute story?" Stephen asked.

"I'm not having one baby, I'm having twins," I said.

"Twins?" Daniel asked.

"Yes, a boy and a girl," I said.

"Awesome." He said. I think that the news has shocked them all, which I don't doubt because if it wasn't me who was pregnant but one of my friends that was pregnant I would be shocked as well. Steve carried me over to the couch and sat down, with me on his lap. I put my head on his chest and just buried my face in his chest, he wrapped his arms around me and held me really close to his body. He kissed the top of the my head, which made me smile even more. These are the moments that I love the most because I get to spend time with my boyfriend and be comforted about everything that I'm going through. My body really hurts right now, pretty much my stomach hurts the most because I'm carrying two babies inside of me, while I thought that I was only pregnant with one child, which I'm not.

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