Chapter Six

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Chapter 6
Free, Care star freely

The odd pack found themselves in a ruined city. They walk into house until that find a kitty that's had lost it's pack they look for them. They didn't find until they come to a old pet store. They were have a meeting to go looking for the lost kitty when it cry out " mum mum i ok this nice pack help find my way home". The mum hug him and said " thank you for help my child can you stay for day it's the least i can do". "If that's ok with the rest of your pack" said star "of course it is" she said clair at them. "Yeah" they all said to them.
That night the leader of the cat's come up to star and said " it was wasn't like this we had families with humans, my family was a boy who thought he was sick because his mum said he was, one day he find me in his garden hurt even know he would get sick he still try to help me, we live together for a little while i love it, but his mum found out and kick me out she argue with him, but he didn't try care, said i hate you mum, then he run out of the house and that was the last thing I about happened, and now the humans are existed, he was like a brother to me and i couldn't protect him so now i am try to do that here, so thank you so why are you here" he ask.
"My father never believe in me or trust me, i can see things i thought i can see, am care about others and my father see me at it once, i know he did because when he saw me helping a rabbit out of the sea and took it to it's pack, i knew he saw me because he gave me the same look your famle cat gave you but worse, so that's why I run away because i thought i would never be my father"i told him. He look at me then at ocean " you know i think he was scared because he didn't know what to do or help you, you should ask him next time you see him" he told star.
The next morning they said goodbye and good luck on finded a place where they belong. " Hey star how much longer do think we have to go " ask cole looking at him. " I don't know Cole i just don't know, but i not stopping until i find it" i told him. He nodded and we ran as fast as we can not looking back.

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