Chapter Five

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*Thursday Morning*

It was 8:30 in the morning and we were all ready to head off to Galway. Niall’s granny had stayed in Mullingar on Wednesday night as well and gave us the keys and stuff. We wanted to get going as early as possible because it was a really nice day, for once, and the boys wanted to go surfing. Niall, me, Liam and Ciara all went in Louis’ car and Harry drove Amy, Zayn and Rachel. I only realised in the car that Niall was the only one single out of us all. I felt a little sorry for him. He never let on that it bothered him or anything but it was surely going to be awkward for him when he was going to be going to bed alone. He was still going to the debs with Jane, but it seemed that neither of them wanted to be in a relationship. I’d never have told this to Niall, but I was glad because Niall could do way better than her. In my opinion, the only reason she was asking him to the debs is because she wanted somebody who looked nice beside her in the pictures, she was just that sort of person. But maybe I was wrong, maybe she actually liked him but was too afraid to say anything, just how I was with Louis.

With all that thinking, the car journey passed fairly quickly and soon enough we were unloading our over night bags from the car and making our way into granny Gallagher’s house. Her house wasn’t very big, but it was really cute and quaint. There were 4 bedrooms, Niall suggested that all the couples took the bedrooms and he’d sleep on the couch, it was no surprise when nobody argued.

Soon enough we were all at the beach, the boys were in their wet suits and rented some surf boards and were heading out to sea, and us girls in our bikini’s about to do some intense sunbathing. But Zayn stayed back, he can’t swim unfortunately so he had to stick it in with us girls. It didn’t seem to bother him though; he had an ulterior motive to whisk Rachel away from us and go find a quiet corner of the beach. That left me, Ciara and Amy to sun bathe in the heat of the summer sun.

“Are ye looking forward to the debs? It’s only 2 weeks away now!” Amy started the conversation.

“Yeah I really am.” I beamed.

Ciara said nothing, then it struck me. Ciara and Liam wouldn’t be going to the debs they were both in 5th year so neither of them would be going.

“Ciara won’t be going.” I stated.

“Oh yeah that’s right, sorry.” Amy shot an apologetic glance at Ciara.

“It’s alright.” She smiled. 

After that we spoke about less awkward things and the conversation went on for ages. Eventually we ran out of things to say so we just lid there silently enjoying the sun’s rays, hoping to get some sort of a colour on my pale Irish skin.

I was close to dozing off when I was startled by a load of ice cold liquid slashing onto my stomach. I jumped up, screaming as it stung my body. When I had gotten over the initial shock, I looked around to see that Niall, Louis, Harry and Liam, were rolling around in the sand in fits of laughter, there was a few buckets lying around them on the ground. By the looks of it, Amy and Ciara found themselves in a similar situation to me. I decided I’d use the boys laughter to my advantage. I quickly pinned Louis to the ground, grabbed a handful of sand and tried to stuff it in his face and mouth. The girls did something similar to Harry and Liam while Niall just continued to laugh away.

“Oi, don’t think you’re getting away with it young Horan!” I shouted.

Next thing Niall was being chased down the beach by the 3 of us. We literally rugby tackled him to the ground and me and Amy pinned down his arms and legs while Ciara covered his face in sand. The other 3 boys came after us and were just laughing at Niall in distress; they weren’t too bothered about saving their comrade.

We messed about for another while but then Niall got hungry.

“Okay lads what time is it? ‘Cause my belly is saying it’s time for food!” We all laughed at this.

“I’m a bit hungry myself now Niall. Will we go to the shop and pick up some food for dinner?” Ciara suggested.

“Yeah I’ll come too.” Liam agreed.

“So will I.” Harry exclaimed.

“You coming Amz?” He asked.

“Nah I think I’ll stay here for a while I like it here.” She said as she sat back down in her earlier position on the sand.

“Where’s Zayn and Rachel?” Liam asked.

”Last time I saw them they were heading off in that direction together.” I replied, pointing down the beach.

“That’s probably where they still are then, knowing them!” Liam laughed.

With that the four of them left, leaving me, Louis and Amy lying on the sand. “Come on.” Louis whispered in my ear, pulling me up from the ground.

I did as he said and followed him down the beach. Amy was listening to her ipod so she probably didn’t even notice the 2 of us leave.

I entwined my fingers with Louis’ as we walked along the beach, feeling the sand between our toes and the waves slide past our feet. The sun was still high in the sky and there was a nice bit of heat in it, this was very surprising for Ireland!

We weren’t saying anything, we didn’t have to, it was just nice to enjoy ourselves and our surroundings in silence, together.

All of a sudden, Louis started running into the water.

“Come on!” he called back to me.

I chased after him into the water. It may have been hot, but the water most certainly was not, it was freezing and I could feel my body numb up fairly quickly from the cold.

“Louis this water is bloody freezing!” I screamed.

By the time I reached him the water was well up past my hips.

“Sorry babe.” He winked.

“Here I’ll warm you up!” He said putting his arms around me and holding me close to his body.

He had taken off his wet suit earlier so he was just in his swimming shorts. I could feel his tight muscles in his mid riff, and his strong arms were held tightly around me.

“Better now?” he asked.

“Yeah thanks!” I smiled dramatically.

But at that moment, a huge wave came crashing over our heads. We were both dunked completely under water. When we came back up, I screamed and gasped for air. The water was so cold. But all Louis could do was laugh!

He waded towards me, he was still laughing slightly, when he was close enough, he pushed the wet hair away from my face and wiped away all the water with his hands.

“You okay?” he smiled.

I nodded, his hands were still on my face, his thumb softly rubbed my bottom lip, before he leant in and kissed me. He then lifted me up so that only my feet were dangling in the water. I entwined my legs in his as he carried me out of the water and onto dry land. He then lid me down on my back and he leant down on top of me, kissing me softly. The kiss soon became more heated and his body was flat on top of mine. After a while, Louis pulled away for air.

“We should get back to the house, the lads will probably have food ready for us.” I whispered, gazing deep into his eyes.

“So what!” he said as he bit down on my neck.

“No we really should go!” I said sitting upright.

“Fine.” Louis mumbled, sensing the tension in my voice.

We gathered up our things on the other end of the beach and walked back to the house in a kind of eerie silence that I didn’t like. 

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