Chapter Twenty-Two

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*Useful Meanings*

St. Stephans day = Boxing day 

Niall went out in the pub another night that week without me. He had asked me to go with him but I declined, I didn’t want a repeat of the last night. Our night spent together whilst he was sober was amazing. I was so glad we took that step, I don’t think either of us could doubt our love for one another after that night.

We also went out to the clubs on Halloween. But this time Liam, Ciara and all our other friends from school were going, so I was hoping I wouldn’t have to be Niall’s babysitter for the night. I wanted to have fun. We all dressed up in our costumes for the night. As usual the girls’ costumes were very slutty so I tried to keep mine as un-slutty as I possibly could. I was dressed as a Pink Lady from Grease, wearing black leggings, black heels and a Pink Ladies Jacket. I did my hair up in a 70’s do to match. Ciara was dressed as a cheerleader in a short red skirt, red and white tight top and white socks pulled up to her knees, she wore white flats and curled her hair. As for the boys, there were many strange variations of costumes. Liam was dressed as Woody from toy story, he had it down to a tee. The yellow shirt, the cow print overcoat, blue jeans, brown boots and of course the cowboy hat. Niall’s costume was priceless, he was dressed as Super Mario. He had a red shirt, blue over-alls, the red cap with the M on it and a fake mustache. It really suited him I think! He made Super Mario look kinda hot!

I hung around with Liam for a lot of the night because he and I were both there to have a good time without alcohol. Ciara was off talking to loads of random strangers and dancing like a lunatic, but it’s okay, we were used to her crazy drunken antics.  Unfortunately Niall did go hard on the drink again and he got so twisted! Me and Liam kept an eye on him but we decided not to let him ruin our night so for the most part we ignored his silly behaviour and enjoyed ourselves. But Niall; being Niall, made that very hard to do. At one stage, me and Liam were laughing at Ciara who had fallen on her ass in the middle of the dance floor. I know we probably should have helped her up and all but it was so funny, she looked like a calf on slats as she tried to manoeuvre herself onto her feet again. Niall came over to the two of us and glared at Liam.

“Are you trying to seduce my girlfriend with your “I’m so sober, Mr. Perfect” attitude?"

Liam tried to stay serious but failed miserably; he burst into a fit of laughter.

“Well? Are you?!” Niall yelled, grabbing Liam’s collar and pulling him up from his seat.

I decided I should step in and save Liam.

“Niall, relax he’s not trying to…seduce me!” I stifled a laugh.

“Liam’s your best mate remember?! And he loves Ciara!” I explained.

Niall glared at Liam once again and then looked lovingly at me. His eyes flickered a bit before he puked up the contents of his stomach. Ew! Luckily he just managed to avoid my legs with his vomit.

“I think it’s time we headed home don’t you?” I asked rhetorically.

“Noooo.” He moaned, “I didn’t even get to dance with you.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll dance another time.” I reassured him.

“I love you, yano that?!” he said, slightly falling on top of me.

I could see Liam in the corner of my eye laughing at my misfortune to have to put up with this. Niall was too close for my liking to be honest, his face was only about an inch away from mine and the stench of alcohol mixed with puke was revolting.

“Come on, we’re going home!” I ordered.

“Have I ever told you that you’re sexy when you boss me around?” Niall slurred.

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