Louis Tomlinson

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Andrea's POV:

I was walking to my locker (just like I do everyday) when I see my two best friends Cassie and Riley running towards me at full speed. "Oh my, God!" They both start squealing practically making me deaf.

"What?" I asked annoyingly. I was never really a morning person and probably never will be.

"Have you seen the new guy yet?" Riley asks and I shake my head no. "He's so hot! You have to see him soon!" I shake my head at the two of them, mainly because they think almost every guy in the school is hot.

"He can't be that hot." I say while grabbing my books for the next class. They stop jumping and squealing to stare at me like I gained an extra head. Then, out of no where, they start laughing. I shut my locker and once I do, the bell rings. "Thanks guys, now I'm late. I gotta go or Mr. Ethridge is gonna have my head." I start running away from my abnoxious friends. Just around the corner, I smack my head into someone else's.

"Fxck, I'm so sorry." I look up to see a good looking brown hair and blue eyed boy.

"Uh... It's fine." I mumble. Since when am I nervous aroung a guy. Oh, that's right. It's because he's hot! A few seconds later, he starts laughing. "I said that out loud, didn't I?

"Yeah, you kinda did."

"You're the new kid, right?"

"Yeah, I just moved in yesterday. Do you mind showing me where the science lab is? I'm really lost." I nod my head and we start walking. "So, we didn't exactly meet properly. I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson." Nice name for a nice guy.

"Hey, Louis. I'm Andrea." I shake his hand. I didn't realize we were talking for so long until I realized we were at the lab. "This is it."

He nods his head and smiles at me. I start walking away until he stops me. "Wait..." I turn around and e leans into to kiss my cheek. "Thanks, Andrea. I really appreciate it." I nod still blushing from the quick peck. He smiles and walks into the classroom. Once he's in, I slide ddown the wall next to the door and shake my head.

"Oh, boy." Soon, I see Cassie and Riley walking towards me and stop and stare.

"What's gotten you in such a happy mood?" Cassie asks.

I look at the floor smiling and blushing even more and say, "nothing."

"Have you met the new guy yet?" Riley teases me.

"I guess you could say that." I say touching my cheek.


I had to get a little Louis action in there because who doesn't love our Boobear. *Dramatically stares at the cealing ans sigh. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed that little imagine. I feel like these are really boring and I should stop writing these but none of you comment so I don't know if I'm doing bad or good so please, please, PLEASE comment AND vote on this story and maybe on my other story. I love you guys and I will see you beautiful people later. Says in Marcus Butler's voice: BYEEEEEE!!

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