Niall Horan (Part 1)

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Oh My God. It's been like a month since I've updated (but I'm pretty sure no one reads this anyways) but there is a place called prison, I mean school, and I have to go 😒. But now that I'm back, I thought I might do something a little different to this imagine. It's a little bit like this story called The Lady Or The Tiger? that we read in English and I thought it would be a really good idea for this because of the plot twist but it will definitely be different from the original . Enjoy!

Narrator's POV:

There is a time in a kingdom where the King is barbaric like. He had everyone worshiping him because of how calm he was of situations, for example, there could be a great problem and the king would have a calm-looking expression. The King had a beautiful daughter that was the apple of his eye, Princess Jasey. She was worshiped by everyone, including a poop, village boy, Niall Horan. 

One day, Niall was walking threw the village but had come across a few street-rats. They had tried stealing the things Niall had. It just so happens that Princess Jasey had left her home to take a stroll too and saw the situation Niall was in.

"Hey! What are you doing to him?" Jasey yelled at the street-rats. They had realized she was the princess and immediately left.

Niall was mesmerized by her beauty and couldn't take his eyes off of the gorgeous girl, neither could she keep her eyes off of the poor boy.

"Thank you, princess." Niall whispered.

"Of course. What's your name?" Jasey asked.



"I know."

At first, both the princess and country boy didn't believe in love at first sight, until they had came across each other.


Niall and Jasey had been sneaking around to see each other every night. Each time would end the same, they both would have to leave, they say goodbye, and then wait till the next night, but this time was different. Niall had been waiting for this day for a while but had always been fearful of it. He was planning on stealing a kiss from the beautiful princess. But that's just it, Jasey was a princess who had all the money in the world and could easily marry a prince, Niall was just a village boy who could barely make enough money for a living.

The night came and Niall was waiting by an apple tree where they always meet. Soon he see's the princess coming and is soon tense. He didn't give Jasey enough time to say hello because he had put his lips on hers as soon as possible. At first, Jasey was scared because it took a while to realize it was just Niall and began kissing back. Like any other cliche kiss, this was like fireworks to both. You could practically feel the passion radiating off of the lovers. What they had not known was a servant of the King was spying on them and immediately told the King.

The King was furious, which came as a surprise to everyone in the kingdom. He couldn't believe what he had heard. To many people, it would just be a sin for royalty to love the common folks. To the King, it was a sin to love his daughter. Like most crimes in the Kingdom, situations would be held in an arena where the sinner would have to choose his destiny. A beautiful lady or a gruesome tiger? There would be two doors that no one knew what was behind both other than a lady and tiger.

If you had chosen the tiger, you are automatically guilty and was killed by the tiger in-front of the audience. If you had chosen the lady, you will be given fairness but there is a catch. The lady is one who is suitable for the sinner and is forced into marriage with her. It didn't matter if you were already married or had children, you were forced to leave them for the lady.

The King had told all his servants to find Niall and bring him to the arena to chose a future. But it was not a win-win for anyone. The King will be happy Niall will not be able to be with his daughter. Jasey would be heartbroken either destiny Niall chooses because he could be killed or marry another woman. Niall felt the same.

When it was time for the decision, Niall was brought out and walked towards the two doors. He was nervous. He didn't know what would happen to him. Left or right? he thought. He didn't know. He looked back at Jasey, that was seated by her father, and silently asked, which door? Jasey looked around making sure no one was watching her, they weren't, all eyes on Niall. So she slowly raised her left hand. With that, Niall confidently walked towards the left door and brought his and to the doorknob.



So this is definitely gonna be my favorite imagine. What do you guys think is gonna happen? Have any of you read The Lady or The Tiger? Comment and vote because it would be amazing. I don't know if any of you even read this. Anyways, I gotta.. BYEEEEE!!!! (Doesn't Ni look cute in the gif😊)

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