I'm stupid bc idk dates oops

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Dear sugar cookie,

Herro! I had a fun half day today, even though I'm so jealous that you have no school tomorrow L

So first, we had to get our calculators checked to make sure we hadn't lost them. That was boring, but my ex kept throwing things at my head so I kicked him in the shin. That's always fun.

Next, we got fitted for our gowns, like I told you! I can't believe I'm graduating in less than three months. It's really scary how fast this year has gone by. I'm growing so much. SAVE ME.

Then I went to computers to work on my 500 slide animation presentation. My story is about a guy who jumps on a trampoline and eventually jumps too high and lands on an airplane that takes him to Africa and he rides away on an elephant. Interesting, huh?

After that, we met with our little fourth graders to eat and talk. I sat with my fourth grader, one of my friends, and her two fourth graders. One of hers was kind of mentally disabled (but not really, she's just kind of bipolar) so she kept doing things that made us laugh. Not in a mean way, but like, she burped really loud and we all laughed, and she laughed along with us. It was kinda fun and really cute.

Lastly, I got hit on by three boys in health until we got to go up to the gym and talk while we watched everyone else sweat. Haha to them. Overall, it was a pretty fun day. I hope you had a good day today J I missed you all day!

Adrianna <3

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