March 22, 2014 (Woah. Gap. Whatchu doin, Adri?)

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Dear Pwincess,

Hi my wuv! Wow, I haven't written in forever, I'm sorry. Between softball and school I just haven't had much time. I'm in so much pain rn from softball and it's like super difficult to type because of how bad my fingers are getting (the bumps).

Anyway, it's March 22, 2014 at 10:49AM. I'm writing on a Saturday because I haven't written so I felt like I owed it to you to at least write today even though nothing exciting is happening. I'm home alone with just my bro and his cousin. Kill me. I might die. But they're getting food.

Ok this is really short but my hands are starting to hurt so I'll go. I'll write more soon. Promise.

Adrianna <3

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