~Come closer~

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Yuzu leaned against the school gates, breathing heavyily. She brought her arm to her forehead, wiping it slowly. Her arm dangled to her side. She was sniffling.

Crying. Crying, our Yuzucchi knows best.

She growled to herself. Screaming at herself through thought.

"What's wrong with you? You're a horrible older sister! Going and doing that?! What am I even doing?!"

Yuzu needed to gain her composure. Once her breathing caught up to her, Yuzu took her time, walking home. The school day was done and all she wanted to do was lock herself up in her room and never come out.

That moment. That kiss. It played over and over in Yuzu's mind. So quick yet time stood still when their lips met.

Yuzu felt guilt and sadness built it up inside her. Her heart was yearning for something. She didn't know what it was but deep down, she knew what that it was. Yuzu knew all too well.


Yuzu wanted Mei.


Stunned and flustered, Mei straghtened her posture and rested her arm by her side. She could still feel her heart, beating wildly in her chest.


A whisper. A meer whisper caused Mei to shudder all over again. She covered her mouth and clenched her jaw, lightly.

"You nuisance."

Mei whispered to herself as if to speak to Yuzu. She was gone. And Mei hated that. It ate her alive. Her sister's pressence was something Mei enjoyed, highly. She would never admit this to Yuzu but to herself, yes.

Yuzu being annoying and bubbly. She was the opposite of Mei but she couldn't help it but be attracted to her older sister. Mei sighed, heavily.

A burden weighing on her. Her engagememt with her previous fiance was foiled by Yuzu but she took comfort in knowing that she was loved for and cared for by Yuzu. But Mei still had work to do.

The Aihara Acedamy needed her. The chairman as well.

"I refuse to allow these feelings to surface for you."

Mei whispered. She gathered her things in a haze and left that room. Lights off and still things scattered. Mei couldn't be in there right now.

She could still smell Yuzu.

How embarrassing.


The bedroom was dark and inside, lying on the bed was a gloomy, confused Yuzu.

She prepaired dinner for her mother and Mei but quickly retreated back to the bedroom, fear of running into her sister. Ume asked Yuzu if anything was wrong but she quickly ushered in a heart felt "no mom; everything is fine; just worried about exams" explanation and knowing her mother would agree. Yuzu took her leave to sulk about these new feelings.

"Where does that sicko get off? She can just go and pretend everything is fine" she mumbled into the pillow. Yuzu screamed into the massive head cushion and sighed.

"These feelings can't be helped...it's like I'm trapped in a love trap and Mei's the puppeteer."

This was a cruel trick. Yuzu was certain of it. Mei was just toying with her. Ignoring her then when Yuzu even steps into her bubble, Mei fights back as if she was begging for her step sister to take the pain of the past away.

Mei's past.

It played hand and hand with what was going on.

Did it?

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