Chapter 3

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Jenny's POV

I woke with a start, breathing hard. "Bring me jake, the boy with the multiple powers and your friends shall be spared. I'll be wainting for you in L.A. You better hurry" It said. I woke with a start. Boy with the multiple powers? I thought to myself. Then that means we aren't the only ones like this! I had to find this boy, Jake, who ever he is. I said to myself, determined to find him. I wouldn't usually do this but when it comes to my friends, that's crossing the line. We were like a family, always sticking together since 5 years ago. I shuddered, trying to push that thought away.

Using the light that was peeking through the trees of the forest,  I see my friends,  Andy and Dan.  Dan, I thought to myself. Me and Dan were best friends ever since we were 4. We met Andy when we were 12.  But Dan...every time a girl tries to flirt with him, I get jealous for some reason. And since he was considered good looking and muscular, I get jealous a lot. 

 "Had the dream too?" Dan asked.

"Yeah." I paused, then said, " We need to find him." It was silent for a second and I thought they would think I was evil or something.  But Dan just said, " Yeah, we do. We are a family and family stick together."

"Well if we're going to find this guy, we should start right now. " Said Andy. We all got up and started packing our things and started walking.  We didn't talk much, since there was nothing to talk about, so the journey was pretty boring. 

We ended up on an abandoned road and an idea popped into my head. 

"Hey, lets have a race!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah." They said, starting to get excited.

"OK, from here to the end of the road then back, got it?" They nodded.

"OK c'mon Dan. Andy keep your hands out, first one touches wins." I say.

"ON YOUR MARK, GET SET.....GO!" Andy shouted and i started sprinting as fast as i can.  I jumped and I turned into a cheetah, running as fast as I can. I look over to see Dan running, trying to catch up but it was useless. 

"Use those leg muscles of yours!" I shout, or at least attempted to. All that came out was a roar. Crap, I forgot I couldn't talk, how embarrassing. Luckily he couldn't see me blushing since i was a cheetah. He just laughed and kept on running forward. We turn and I look back to see that Dan was a mile away. Just as i was nearing Andy, I turn back into my regular form and slap his hand.  

Dan came about a minute later, panting. 

"That....Wasn't.....Fair.." He said in between breaths of air. I laughed. Once he caught his breathe, he said, "Rematch, this time no using your powers." 

"Fine" I answer.

"How bout winner gets to race me!" Andy said with delight, he loved running.

"NO!" Me and Dan both shouted.

Andy pouted. "Why not." He whined. I swear, he sometimes acts like he's 5.

"Because, you can't control your speed that well, especially when you racing. Last time you ended up in Japan, having some sushi." I said.

"Fine." He huffed. "On your marks, get set...go." He said with less enthusiasm. 

I ran as fast as I can, even when I'm not a cheetah, I still run pretty fast. At the turn, I look to see me and Dan were neck in neck. He smirked at me and that caught me off guard. God he was so hot. was all i thought of. That's when i hit something on the road that sent me falling. Did I mention we were on a mountain, it was not fun.

I hit my head on something and a was unconscious for a second. Then I woke, noticing that I stopped tumbling. I look up to see a man, flying, and was holding his hand out. It looked like he was giving me a hand, which I would gladly take. If I had to describe him with one word, it would be gorgeous.  There was a light behind him and I wondered if i was dead. so I asked, "Are you an angel?" He just chuckled and shook his head. God I was an idiot. He set me down on the ground and my friends came running to me. 

 "Oh God Jenny, are you OK?" Asked Andy, in a weird concerned tone of voice that he barely uses. I expected Dan to ask me too, but he seemed to be distracted by something in the air.

"Who are you?" Dan asked in a harsh tone of voice, he was never good around strangers. 

"Dan, don't be rude, this guy saved my life." I said with a scowl. Dan didn't say anything, he was too busy glaring at the guy. The guy decended and I noticed he had deep green eyes that just made me want to melt.  Immediatly, I wanted to know this guy, I wanted to be his friend, or maybe more than his friend. 

"My name is Jake." I froze as he said that. This was the guy I had to give to the weird dude who talked in my dream? As much as I don't want to, I knew I had to.  I didn't even know the guy, so it won't be a problem, right? But then I remembered what the voice said, if I brought him what he wanted, then he would spare my friends. 

I look to my friends, who had a confused look on their faces, as if there were some recognition to the name.  

"One moment please." I say to Jake as I drag my friends away from him.

"Don't you know who he is?" I hissed. They shook their head, typical. "That is the guy who can save us, he's the guy we gotta give to the voice, he's our ticket to surviving." I said. I saw their expressions as it dawned on them, they could be so stupid sometimes. 

We walked back casually and I said, "Look, Jake, we'll be heading to L.A. and we noticed you had...special powers. We would love it if you could come, so we would be extra protected with you. We're bringing something very important there and we have to gaurd it, since we also have special powers. And since you saved my life and all...."  OK, so I may have lied, but it wasn't a complete lie, we did need to bring something there, even if it was a person. 

"Uhh yeah sure." He said.  I beamed at him, detirmined to make sure this plan works. 

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