Chapter 4

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Jake's POV

"So.. wheres your family?" Jenny asked. We were walking through the woods, on our way to L.A. Now the woods might not have been my first pick, but the guy, Andy, told me we were going through a shortcut. It's been approximatly an hour since I met them. They introduced themselves to me. The dude who looked like he wanted to squish me like a bug was Dan. He has super strength. It makes me wonder if he worked out in the gym way too much when he was little. Next was Andy. This really tall, lean sandy haired dude. He has super speed. And then there was Jenny. She had golden hair that went to her shoulders and bright blue eyes. She told me she was able to change into any animal which I already knew.

"Jake?" Her voice startled me. I realized I was in deep thought and right now, everyone was staring at me.

"Uh.. yeah what did you say?" I asked. Great job making yourself look like an idiot Jake.

"She asked you where your family is." Dan said while glaring at me which made me fell uneasy. Seriously, if looks could kill, I'd be dead by now.

"Well, they don't like adventure and living in the outdoors and all that shiz. So you know, they stayed at home." I lied. Truth is, my sister loves the outdoors. She loved going camping and fishing.

"Ah, I get it. Family hates your guts. You don't want to go home, they don't want you to come home. You don't need to tell us." Andy said. I stared at him. Even though I've only known him for 1 hour, he still seemed like a pretty laid back guy. I was astonished that there was a tone of bittereness in his voice.

I wanted to change the topic. So I asked, "What are we taking to L.A.?" No one answered. There was an awkward silence until Jenny said, "It's just something really important that we can't tell to anyone. I wasn't satisfied with that answer but I knew they wouldn't tell me more. Plus, I didn't want to push them too hard. I didn't want to start an argument which eventually lead me to being alone in the woods.

We continued our journey, with me asking them questions, them giving me a boring answer and them asking me questions that I chose not to answer. So basically, we learned nothing of eachother.

Nightfall came and we set up camp in an open area. We also created a fire and huddled with eachother for warmth. It was quiet and there was much tension in the air, as if we were waiting for something to just pop out of no where and attack us.

We established a system of guard duty during the night. Unfortunately I had the first watch and that sucks because I was extremely tired but I didn't complain, they did take me in when no one else wanted me. Everyone dozed off while I sat on the ground.

I sat there for what felt like hours until I heard rustling behind a bush. I get up and look but nothing was there. I started to feel a bit suspicious as I stand in silence, trying to hear a noise. I convinced myself to think it was nothing and went back to my spot until I heard a low breathing noise. I armed myself with a pointy stick just to be safe. Then out of no where, a large mixture between a wolf and a lion jumped out of the bush and pounced onto me, biting my arms, trying to grab a hold of me. My first day in the woods and I turn into some dogs chew toy. I started trying to stab it, I got a few good hits, but the large hybrid dog would not let go. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw everybody waking up seeing what's going on. As I was struggling to rip my arm out, everyone was just standing there with a confused look on their faces.

"Don't just freaking stand there! HELP ME!" I wanted to shout but was to busy. Then, a sharp pain shot through my arm. I screamed in pain, crumpling onto the ground. The good news that the weird dog creature ran away, the bad news that I felt like I have been stabbed by a whole bunch of mini needles. After that, I fell and everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2013 ⏰

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