Chapter Three

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Hello lovelies, I know I'v actually been updating this story pretty quickly. I had my friend proof read both chapters, and we both came to the conclusion that I should make them a bit longer since the first two chapters have been pretty short. Also, If you haven't noticed by now, I'm trying to keep it along the same sides as the first book, but I want to change it up a bit so its not like re reading the same thing over again, you know? Anyways, thank you guys so much for readin this story, don't forget to drop a comment and vote! Bye lovelies!


( Olivia's POV )

Casey, Alex, Melinda and I all share the same ride, meaning Alex drives basically all of us home. I was still in the works of saving up to buy a car. I had a part time job at a cafe, and let me tell you, it sucks. Not the working of course, but the cafe is a resting spot for almost every single head count at my school. So It got pretty awkward at times when I had to waitress to people that I've not liked since 3rd grade.

Pulling into the street that I lived on I internally groaned. My mom's car was in the driveway. I thought she worked until later, but apparently was home early.

" I thought she had a late class that she had to attend?" Casey asked, popping her head in between the two front seats, looking at me.

" Yeah, I thought so too. I seriously don't feel like dealing with her bullshit today. I am so tired and unbelievably have so much homework that I think the teachers are actually trying to kill me."

All the girls groaned. " I know what you mean, I have homework in every single class. I have to go to this family thing later to so I am going to have to be that nerd to bring her homework with her." Melinda whined.

I laughed at them, " Well, at least i'm not the only one suffering."

We pulled up to the house and I mentally prepared myself for whatever mood Serena Benson would be in today. I lean over and Kiss Alex's cheek. " Thanks for the ride Lex. I'll see you all tomorrow!"

I get out the car and watch as Alex drives away. I slump a little bit as I walk up the front porch to my house, pulling my house keys out from my bag, I unlock the door entering the almost completely silent house. Only noise to be heard, what her mother's soft snoring coming from the couch. She must have passed out when she came home. I'm hoping she didn't miss the meeting she was supposed to attend and that it got pushed back.

I walk into the kitchen opening the fridge to grab a water bottle and look for any snack that I could possibly munch on. Settling on a piece of string cheese I grudgingly head up the stairs to my bedroom.

I through my thing's on to the bed once I enter my room including myself, completely worn out from the day. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night, honestly for no true reason either, I just couldn't sleep.

Hearing my phone beep, I pull it out of my bag seeing who texted me.

Casey: Is the she devil awake?

I laugh at the fact that it was indeed Casey who texted me. Whenever my mom unexpectedly was home when she wasn't supposed to be, Casey would always drop a text right after I got home to make sure everything was okay, Same for Alex, except she would drop a text at night.

Me: Yeah, she's sleeping. ttyl, lots of hmwrk. Byee

I set my phone onto the nightstand and pull out my binder for my classes. Opening the first section, It was my English subject, I had to write an essay about the first couple chapters of the book 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austin. With the subject of English, the letter to that subject wafted into my mind. I wonder if he wrote back, or if he laughed at the letter and through it away. Our teacher had said that if they wrote back it would get sent to the school, but she'd re send it to our address. Remembering that it had actually been a couple days since either one of them had checked the mail. I jolt up and make a bee line to the front door.

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