Chapter Nine

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( Elliot's POV )

"You really shouldn't even attempt at anything with this whore. She's nothing and definitely not worth it. Did you know that her mom doesn't even like her? In Fact she loathes her so much that she beats her. But I mean, who wouldn't considering, her father's a rapist." Dean smirked while saying the last part, proud of himself it seemed. All I wanted to do was punch the shit out of him, but also made me turn towards Olivia in achock of the revelations I just hear. She was being abused by her mother? What happened. Turning back towards Dean I see Casey throw her chair back while standing up.

"Okay that is enough Dean!" She shoved him, Knocking Dean down to the floor.

Quickly turning back towards Olivia I see that she already took off running to the door. Panicking, Casey and I both take off towards the door to try and catch up with her.

"Olivia!" I shout seeing her run towards the exit. Panicking, Casey and I pushed harder to run faster to try and catch up too her. Reaching the exit to the arcade, we both look up and down the streets not seeing her.

Fuming, I turn towards Casey, " You was that Prick?" I growl.

Sighing and rubbing a hand down her face, " That would be the one and only, Dean Porter. Liv's Ex. Class A Dickwad if you ask me. This time, he took it way to far." Casey explained, looking ready to beat him down if he came near her.

"Okay, well, want to hop in my car with me and look around, or both go separate ways in case we just so happen to miss her?"

"I vote the second one."

I nodded and we both agreed that we would keep each other updated, and went our separate ways to our cars.

I couldn't believe how tonight unfolded. Everything made sense now though, and it made me sick to my stomach. That meant that the night that she told me she had to go because her mom was home- No, don't think that way, I scolded myself. Don't jump to the conclusion something bad happened that night. What I wanted to know is why Dean felt the need to do what he did. Snapping out of my own thoughts, I scan through the streets and see no sign of Olivia anywhere. After about 15 more minutes of this I decided I would message Casey asking for an update.

E: Hey, anything?

C: Nothing. I think our best best is to either, A. Leave her alone to breathe and calm down, or reassure our own anxiety about her and go to her house to check on her.

E: So, in otherwards, be both head over to her house?

C: Yes. The only issue being, she gets pissed off that we followed her.

E: I guess we have to take that chance, huh?

C: For her, yes.


( Olivia's POV )

My heart raced as my feet pounded on the ground as I ran. I could hear the sound of my heart in my ears, but still couldn't drown out the screaming that was in my head. Elliot knew my secret. I felt nothing put pure and utter embarrassment and fear. I would have eventually ended up telling him, but I definitely didn't want him finding out like this, not this soon. I kept running until I found myself in front of my house, defectively, I walk up the front steps and enter the front door, instantly the smell of smoke and alcohol wafted through my nose causing my head to fling up in surprise of my mother being home this late.

"M-mom. You're home early." I stuttered, still out of breath from running, but throat horse from the crying I did.

"And someone's home late." She all but growled.

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