Chapter Eighteen

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Some time after Dominic's death, Charlotte announced she was engaged. Elizabeth wasn't surprised that Charlotte hadn't shared much of her life with her after the funeral, but she didn't mind. She wanted Charlotte to live the free life she never had.

Elizabeth spent her days alone in her home, occupying herself with reading and creating small household charms. After Dominic's will was made public, many became interested in the sudden amount of money Elizabeth had. It was more money than Elizabeth's family had ever had, making her a millionaire alone. She didn't surround herself with material possessions, however; Elizabeth spent her money planning travels. She wanted to finally embrace the world and all that she had missed while she was held down. She wouldn't be apparating either; she would be traveling on trains, boats, and planes. Elizabeth had never been integrated into muggle culture.

However, one morning, her plans were derailed by a strong knock on her front door. Not knowing of anyone who would have a reason to come over, she quickly ran a hand over her face to change her identity. The charm, crafted for her by one of her few colleagues who knew why she needed to run, changed her into whoever she thought of. She always thought of Ama, so after her hand disappeared from her face, her skin faded into a medium tone, her eyes growing more round while her jaw became more defined. Casting her hand over the house, it hid all evidence of her existence. She had created that spell herself.

Elizabeth pulled open the door to reveal a pair who made her skin crawl: Abraxas Malfoy and Walburga Black. They looked confused. Elizabeth wanted to analyze them and their age, but she had to remain calm.

"Yes?" Elizabeth greeted.

"Do you know a Martin Wimbly?" Walburga asked, shocking Elizabeth. Why were they at her very door if they didn't know who she was?

Elizabeth knew the name. It was her neighbor: a muggle-born who advocated for muggle and muggle-born equality. She didn't know how to respond. "There might be a Mark Walters, but I know he's visiting his parents at the ministry, er-."

"Don't worry, miss, I'm a witch myself, no need to fret," Walburga smiled. Elizabeth nearly narrowed her eyes, knowing Walburga would never have used the word fret. "We just want to know about Mr. Wimbly."

"Sorry, don't know the name," Elizabeth apologized. She looked over their shoulder and saw a parked car across the street. It was Martin's. He was home.

Suddenly, all of the pieces fell together. The disappearances of muggles and muggle-borns, the sudden eagerness to comply with the new rebel group, it all led back to Tom.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation, miss," Abraxas gave a small nod before they disapparated.

She let out a heavy sigh of relief and slammed the door. Elizabeth had no idea why they had come to her door, and she feared it was no coincidence. But what frightened her more than anything was that her suspicion of Tom's activity had been confirmed. He was most certainly the leader of this new order with the sole mission to "purify" the world.

Elizabeth wanted to stop him before he caused irreversible damage, but she feared she had lost all of her skill. As she felt her face shifting back into her normal self, she picked up the phone and reluctantly dialed Annie's number. After a moment, her voice answered, "Yes?"

"I need you to tell me where Kody is," Elizabeth commanded.

"Elizabeth, why on earth would you think I know where he is?" Annie pointed out. "The last I heard from him was two months ago from Scotland," she aided.

Elizabeth nodded and hung up the phone, "Thank you." She quickly grabbed her bag and disapparated from her home. After a moment, she was in a bar in the States. She knew his routinely travels nearly by heart. Without a shadow of surprise, she saw Kody drunkenly staggering at the jukebox, struggling to insert the coin into the slot. "Need a hand?"

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