hardwood floors

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oh to be young and in love.

trixie and katya had finally, finally sealed a deal on an apartment they both loved. it was a big, open planned, hard wood floor apartment, that was right at the top of the building. the views were so incredible that trixie almost couldn't believe that they lived there.

it had come unfurnished and their furniture was yet to arrive. in the bedroom the mattress was just on the floor but neither one of them cared, they just couldn't believe they were finally living together.

"five years in the making." katya said and wrapped trixie into a hug. "i can't believe it!" trixie squealed and ran around the big empty space that served as a multipurpose room. trixie noticed something whilst running around in her socks, the floor was slippery. "hey kats look at this." said trixie and katya watched as the girl slid from one side of the room to the other. "you're such a child." said katya, leaning against the side in the kitchen.

"join me!" trixie said and slid to past the kitchen area. katya just laughed at her girlfriends antics, "you might hit you head!" katya said. "we can be like ice-skaters." said trixie in a sing-song voice, sliding past again. "if i must." katya fake sighed and put her playlist on shuffle.

the two girls whizzed around the open space, katya catching trixie a lot as the girl was very clumsy. the fake ice skating turned into a completion of who could slide the furthest. katya managed to slide all the way to the balcony on the other side of the room and therefore being the winner.

katya being taller than trixie, picked the smaller girl up and slid around the room with her held close to her chest. the loud screams of trixie echoed through the empty apartment causing katya to laugh and almost dropping the smaller girl. "put me down katya!" trixie said kicking and screaming. "what's the magic word?" katya asked, refusing to put the girl down. "please." trixie whined and katya put the younger girl down. she put the young girl down and placed a kiss on the top of her nose.

"hey are those my socks?" katya asked, as trixie laughed sliding away from her girlfriend. "no i don't think so." trixie said and slid in circles around her girlfriend. "you're lying, when have you ever owned anything red!" katya exclaimed, giggling and chasing trixie around the apartment. katya caught up to trixie and grabbed her from behind, placing a chaste kiss on trixies head.

"you know i love you trix." said katya as they looked out the large wrap around windows of their apartment. "i know and i love you too." trixie replied. as if by magic the playlist came to trixies favourite slow song, 'i will always love you' by dolly parton. katya hated country music but dating trixie meant it had started to grow on her as that was her girlfriends favourite genre. it didn't help that trixie was a country and folk singer herself so she played guitar all day and wrote her own songs, which katya would listen to and pretend to hate because of the genre. however in secret she loved them, especially the ones she knew were written about her.

"may i have this dance?" katya said. trixie giggled and nodded allowing katya to pull her close and waltz her slowly around the room. the hardwood floors helped them to glide, almost like a disney movie, all around the room. katya taking the lead of course, swaying them from side to side. the song ended and katya pressed her forehead to trixies.

"i was thinking that was a bit like a disney movie." katya said. "so you're cinderella right?" trixie asked. "no way, i'm the big butch prince." said katya deepening her voice, making trixie scream with laughter. "you're the princess because you're so gorgeous." katya said and placed a soft kiss to trixies lips.

katya wanted the kiss to continue and go deeper but one of trixies orginal songs came on shuffle and trixie couldn't help but dance to it. she slid around around the room playing air guitar and katya sat against the wall, wondering where her girlfriend got all this energy from. "trix what did you have for breakfast, you've got so much energy!" katya laughed, as the song ended. "nothing, i'm just so excited to be here." trixie said. she slid down next to katya and rested her head on katyas shoulder.

"can you believe the view with this apartment?" trixie asked, as they admired the sunset over new york city. "it's okay." katya mumbled. "what do you mean just okay?" trixie exclaimed standing up. "you can see for miles." she said and ran over to the window. "i think my view of your ass is better than the sunset babe." said katya laughing. "you're always trying to get into my pants." said trixie. "isn't that what girlfriends are supposed to do?" katya replied.

katya didn't get her wish though, trixie spent the next hour sliding around the apartment, appreciating the hardwood floors as much as she could, until tomorrow when they would be moving their furniture in. the fun only stopped when trixie slid too hard and fell back hitting her head on the floor in the process.

"what the fuck have you done now?" katya shouted, running out the bedroom to see her girlfriend sprawled on the floor. "i hit my head." said trixie, trying not to cry. "i did warn you trix." said katya laughing. "kats it's not funny it really hurts." trixie complained. "it's your own fault." katya said and made trixie go and lie on the bed, whilst she went to see if they had ice in their fridge. she came back with a bag of peas, covered in a towel, and placed it gently against the back of trixies head.

"i don't want hardwood floors anymore, i think we should get carpet." trixie mumbled, sounding like a child. "of course you would say that, after hitting your head." said katya laughing and pulled her grumpy girlfriend into a hug. "this is what you get for being childish." katya said. "okay no need to rub it in, say i told you so and get it over with." trixie said grumpily. "i told you, you would hit you head." said katya.

she placed a soft kiss on trixies head. despite the minor injury, the girls had, had a brilliant first day in their new place together and neither one would change it for the world. "this is perfect." trixie said. "just like you." katya grinned. "you're so sweet i love you." trixie said and turned to kiss katya. "i love you and your clumsiness." katya replied, before meeting trixie halfway and kissing her softly on the lips.


bit of a short one to start but i wanted to get something published :)

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