hand holding excuses

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trixie and katya had been best friends since middle school. they were now in their last year of high school and even though they had other friends they were practically inseparable. they would alternate days of who's house to go to after school. they would stay up late until 12am when one of their parents said they needed to go home due to the fact it was a school night. anyone who hung around them thought something was going on between them. but there wasn't, they were just really, really close friends.

this is why katyas mind was confusing her. she hung out with trixie every single day and her feelings were starting to become more that just platonic. she often spent evenings snuggled up with trixie watching netflix and she would find her mind wondering. she wondered what would happen if she kissed trixie. she wanted to feel those plump pink lips against her own, just once. she was sure it would ruin their friendship but that still didn't help her wondering.

it was the middle of winter, however trixie being trixie, would not wear a large winter coat, it ruined the aesthetic of her outfit. this is where her and katya differed, katya went for practicality where as trixie went for aesthetic and looking good. they were walking to school one morning and trixie was visibly shaking from the fact she was cold.

"why don't you just wear a fucking coat you whore." katya laughed. "shut up bitch, i look good and you don't." trixie laughed and pushed katya slightly. "trix your fingers are blue." katya said. "i'm f-fine." trixie said. "you quite clearly aren't." katya said. katya processed her thoughts for a few seconds before grabbing trixies hands and wrapping them in her own gloved ones. "better?" she asked and rubbed her hands trying to warm up trixies. "a bit." trixie mumbled. katya took hold of one of trixies hands, interlocking their fingers and shoving it in her coat pocket along with her own. she gave trixie her other glove and put her now ungloved hand in her other pocket.

"what would i do without you huh?" trixie asked and they continued their walk to school. katya couldn't help but feel slightly weird about the fact they were holding hands. it was something she had thought about for a while and she liked the feeling of how their hands fitted together, it was almost perfect.

they walked into school still holding hands and trixie did not let go until they were at her locker. "i'll see you at first break?" she asked katya. "as always." katya said and headed to class.

katya couldn't concentrate. at all. she couldn't get trixie off her mind. it was getting worse. she now knew she definitely liked trixie as more than just friends. how fucking stupid was she falling for her best friend. she rushed to break and her heart was hammering in her chest. the sudden realisation was making her nervous to see trixie. the other girl completely unaware ran up to katya and gave her a hug.

"hey junkie whore." she said and let go of katya. "hey." katya mumbled. "what's up katya?" trixie asked, noticing katyas down mood. "nothing just a shitty lesson." katya quickly said. trixie didn't believe her but said nothing more of it and enjoyed break with her best friend.

on the walk home after school katya was still acting weird and it was bothering trixie. "are you sure you're okay katya?" trixie asked. "i uh-can we talk inside?" katya asked. trixie nodded and they quickly headed to trixies house. it wasn't long before they were bundled up in the sheets and trixie sat expectantly, waiting for katya to talk.

katya wasn't exactly out to trixie or in fact anyone. she had known she was gay since freshman year but she knew what bullying could be like so she had kept it to herself.

"i just need to tell you something." katya suddenly spoke up. "god you're not ill are you?" trixie asked, becoming worried. "no, no i-uh, i just need to tell you that i'm gay. i like girls trixie." katya said. she couldn't look trixie in the eye. she just looked down at the sheets, tears slipping down her cheeks. "hey katya why are you crying?" trixie asked and pulled her best friend into a hug. "i get if you don't accept me. i get if you don't wanna hug me or anything anymore." katya said. "hey no, i would never be like that. you are who you are, i'm proud of you." said trixie and just tightened her hug around katya.

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