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It took forever to explain to those gods that I was sending help to them. It would arrive in four days,  and to have them reserve the lake for there landing.

It was infuriating! They are all prideful!

~two days later camp half blood, Nico

Chiron requested a councillor meeting at the big house, I hate those meetings! Especially after Percy, i clench my hands shut, did Percy betray us?

The dead denied it being Percy, they didn't identify the culprit, just swore it wasn't Percy unless he has grown breasts.

Of coarse if it came down to it, I would be in his side. After all he's done for me... Especially since Will was one of the victims, if I could kill the person who killed him, I would betray the gods!

Who ever you are, you will die! I swear it upon the River Styx!


I was waiting for Chiron to show up to explain what the meeting was about, I swear if it's shot Percy, I'll scream!

As if in cute, he walked in!

"Your probably wondering why I called this meeting," he explains, seeing if nodding he continued, "In two days we're receiving guest who'll assist us in this war." Did the gods ask for help? Nah, out was probably offered, I glanced around and saw the offers thinking the same way, I noticed that Annebeth looked nervous! "Hence in two days, no one will be allowed in the lake."

Strange connection.

~few days later


I shook Percy awake, his eyes snapped open, "we're an hour away. " he nodded as he let out a yawn

Something I noticed about the kid,  he had no respect for authority! But he also didn't seem to brag!

"Anything we should know about the place?"

"They gods are prideful,  the campers will follow almost anyone who yells loud enough,  and they think I murdered twenty five of there demigods. " he explained


Percy started mumbling, "Antaeus...Bianca...Zoe...Charles...Luke... that battle....that other battle..." He kept shifting his fingers, "I've killed more than twenty five, everyone one of them I can remember, everyone haunts me to this day."

What the hell? Is this what an actual war does? I've only ever killed monsters, yet this kid has been forced to kill other Demigods!

What's up with those gods? Why are they allowing their kids to kill each other? They're horrible!

"Also watch out for flying arrows and knives." He added, "and don't kill the hellhound."


I pulled out the pill box that Chaos have me, their called 'appearance pills'. They can change a person's appearance, I only need to eat one a week, so chaos have me a dozen In case it takes a while.

I changed to be six foot three, Caucasian, blue eyes, and blonde hair. Sadly I couldn't alter my scars, to much emotion, Chaos explained. Whatever! How can I have to much emotion with this pin?


I was surprised, Percy wasn't bragging at all! He mostly just slept, I decided to keep him awake, just to see what ADHD in action. I later thirty minutes.

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