In the beginning, the world was blank. The only five beings were the five gods. Alpha was the oldest and wisest of them all. Bravo was the strongest of them all. Critisa loved nothing more than to cause misery to the others. Demision was plotting the downfall of the others. Elora was the youngest and was the only one to seek fun and entertainment.
Every day, these gods would hold a council where they would all put forth an idea of something to create, often relating to their attributes. Then they would vote on which one they should create. However, each god would only think its creation the best and never vote for anything else. After one thousand years of ideas and draws, Alpha decided things had to change. Alpha made an agreement with Bravo and Elora that they would take turns choosing things to create, and the others would vote for the chosen one’s idea.
With this new agreement in place, the world started to take shape. Pebble by pebble, they formed the country and landscapes. Drop by drop, they formed the rivers and oceans. They made the sun, crafted the moon, and shaped the stars. Meanwhile, Critisa and Demision sat by, outvoted every time. They grudgingly accepted all the creations that Alpha, Bravo, and Elora made, until the day 1 created man.
Critisa and Demision were outraged at this creation. They could not believe that Alpha would share life with other beings. In their opinions, they should be the only five gods. Not add some more minor gods to the voting system. But more rage was to come, as man ignored the council and proceeded to create their own things, spears, made of wood and stone.
It was then, that Critisa had an idea. This idea though, required him working with Demision. Both gods hated the other, but what they hated more were Alpha, Bravo, and Elora. So, Critisa in mutual benefit with Demision hatched a plan.
The next day Critisa and Demision came up to Elora. They told him to vote with them just for one day. One creation that would make the world so much more entertaining. Critisa and Demision wished to create mortality. Elora, in blind glee, agreed to their request, and that day at the voting council, Critisa got to make his creation. Mortality fell upon the world. Man became sick and died. Man’s injuries became fatal.
Alpha and Bravo yelled at Elora. “Why did you vote with them?” they shouted. “Why. You know they are evil and deceitful. So why?”
“It’s more fun this way.” Elora replied as he walked off, leaving Alpha and Bravo to themselves.
As soon as Elora was out of sight from Alpha and Bravo, Critisa and Demision attacked Elora. Under struggling against two gods, Elora stood no chance. “Thank you, dear brother.” Critisa whispered “For you have helped us in more ways than you could know.” And with that, Demision plunged a dagger, crafted by man, into Elora’s chest. Normally, this would not have done anything, but, due to the new creation of mortality, Elora’s breathing slowed, and soon he was dead.
During the council, the next day, Alpha and Bravo planned to assist the humans and erase mortality. But, they knew something was wrong when Critisa and Demision turned up with grins on their faces. They sat there and waited for hours until the day was almost over when Alpha asked the obvious question: “Where is Elora?”
“Clearly, he’s not coming.” Demision replied. Critisa, not being able to contain himself, started bursting out with laughter.
“He might never come again!” he said, before he started laughing again.
“What do you mean?” Bravo asked.
“He’s DEAD!” Critisa yelled. This time, both Critisa and Demision started laughing, uncontrollably, as Alpha and Bravo stood there in shock. “Now, let’s start the council.”
Alpha and Bravo were powerless to do anything, and the council ended in a draw. Mortality continued throughout the world. The gods also noticed changes within themselves, as they were now ageing. Alpha and Critisa died on the same day, leaving only Bravo and Demision. The next day, Demision also died, leaving Bravo with the council to himself. Bravo was terribly sad and depressed as he had lost all of his brothers. He knew he would die the next day due to age, but that did not stop the sadness he felt that day. So he gave the world one final gift, both to help the world, but more importantly, help himself. He gave the world hope.