Two Is Better Than One ~ A Liam Payne's fan fiction

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Hey guys :) well, this is my first fan fiction, so I just hope you enjoyyy! Also, please if you can follow me on IG (@plittleliars)... About me, you can call me Lu okay? LOVE Y'ALL


 Maya's POV

Beep. Beep

Ugh. Monday. School. Goodbye weekend, hello homework! I got up from the bed and changed clothes. That's for sure, cause I couldn't go to school in my pajamas. A pink tank top and skinny jeans, simple and in the way that I like. I kissed my 1D's poster in the wall, as I always do before sleeping and after waking up.

Before went to the breakfast, I texted Lucy, my best friend

MAYA: Good morning Miss Horan! Are u ready to school yet? :)

She answered quickly

LUCY:  In my wayy :)

I smiled softly. Lucy's always like that. Carefree, outgoing, funny, talkative and friendly. I think that's why I like her so much. Anyway, I went to the kitchen, to have breakfast. My parents were already gone, so today I'd have to ride my bike to the school.

I pulled out a bowl from the shelf and put it on the table. As usual, I got my Cheerios and ate it together with milk. 

When I was done, I brushed my teeth, got my bag, and left home. I decided to walk instead riding my bike. It was too early, so there was no problem and no risk of getting late since I live near school. 

Everything was in the normal rhythm. I was walking by the sidewalk, looking up for the sky, when suddenly I hit someone, what made all my stuff fell in the ground.

"Crap" I muttered.

"Sorry, it was an accident... May I help you?"

I looked up, cause I recognized that voice. When I saw his face, I almost fainted.

"OMG... Is that you? Like, really, or am I only dreaming?"

He laughed "Haha, well, maybe it's me. Are you talking about Liam Payne?"

I nodded, my whole face full with a smile.

"Yah, it's me! Sorry, I hit you, it wasn't..."

"No problem! I mean, c'mon, it was an accident" I tried to look normal, not nervous, or excited, but actually I was fangirling inside. LIAM PAYNE WAS TALKING TO ME! HE WAS SMILING AT ME AND OMG. I'M ABOUT TO FAINT.

"Well, let me help you getting your stuff..." He said. So sweet. 

He bent down and began to gather my stuff while I was doing the same. The difference is that I stared at him without stopping. I was drooling in love with such beauty. How can someone be so amazing?

I reached my cell phone across the sidewalk, while Liam also caught his, it should've fallen when we bumped into each other. We raise and he handed me my stuff.

"Thanks" I muttered

"Anytime...So, would you like to take a picture?" He asked

My heart was about to get outta my chest. This was so amazing. 

I nodded while I grabbed my cellphone and took the picture. We checked it and he smiled aproving. 

"Great! Okay babe, have a nice day" Liam said with a nice smile.

"You too, Liam" I was smiling so hard, my cheeks were hurting already. He waved and I watched while he walked away by the sidewalk.

I was now "awake", and when I checked the hour, I realized that I had only three minutes left till the classes start. I ran as fast as possible and finally reached school.

By the time I got there, the class was starting. So I just went to another working day.


Liam's POV

I liked her. That girl was so... different. Her hair, a brown tone mixed with copper, and tips honey color, the way it falls on her shoulders was so beautiful, and defined the shape of your face. And her green eyes, along with the smile ...

Hold on. I just met the girl. It couldn't be like in "Call Me Maybe", where the girl falls instantly for the boy. No. She was just a fan. Maybe the prettiest one, but still a fan and I'll never be able to see her again. Probably.

I decided to check my Twitter. I grabbed the phone from my pocket, and I unlocked it. Wait, what was that wallpaper?

Uh oh.

Too late. She was already gone. That's it. We switched our phones. Crap. There was only one thing that I could do. I'd call her. But not now, cause she was probably on school; at least seems so, because of her stuff.

Anyway, I unlocked it. No passcode. I wasn't supposed to be nosy, but I couldn't resist. I needed to see her pictures. 

Wow. She was even prettier. And I had just figured out that she really likes taking pictures of herself.  I stopped seing the pictures and walked faster, making my way to Starbucks.

Now, I just needed a coffee.


Maya's POV

Time passed by too slow. When I told Lucy about the Liam thingy, she got MAD. Like, shouting and dancing and singing (1D's songs, obviously). And I just laughed at her. I mean, that was amazing, but it was so fast, and only thinking about never seeing he again got me so sad.

I went home when school was finally over. I walked fast, cause I was really starving. 

My house was empty. Great. Which means that lunch is not ready. And I didn't know how to cook. So the only way that I found was drinking orange juice while I waited my mom to get home. 

I decided to check my photo with Liam once again. Only to live the moment of my life one more time. I reached my bag and found the iPhone. 

OH NO. I mean, OH YEAH. 

No, I mean, OH NO. 

But maybe, OH YESSSS!

No. No way. I mean, I had Liam Payne's cellphone. It was blocked. We switched phones, and I needed my phone back. But how would I get it back? 

And what if Liam never realized? Oh no, that's impossible, I had a lot of pics of myself and... OH NO! LIAM COULD NOT EVER SEE THOSE PICTURES! HE WOULD DIE WITH MY UGLINESS.

I was getting crazy. I needed to call him. But I didn't know the passcode. WHAT NOW? OMG

Right at this moment, my mom got home.

"Hey sweetie. Have you ate lunch yet?"

"No mum, I waited for you"

"Okay then! You can come, I'll do readY-to-eat food."

I went to the kitchen and sitted down. I'd call Liam, but not now.

25 minutes later

I was almost done with my lunch, when suddenly an unknow ringtone sounded.

"Is that yours?" I asked to my mom.

She denied. I went check my bag. 

I grabbed the iPhone and saw the number. I recognized it immediatly and realized that was him. Calling from my cellphone. 

Liam Payne was calling me.


Sooo guys, that's chapter one! Please comment, vote and fan! I really hope I do a good story and that y'all enjoyy it <3

I'll update next chapter tomorrow if atleast 10 people read this one :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2012 ⏰

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