coffee shop

16 0 11

Sean's POV

As i was studying for the midterm my whole body was hurting, i haven't gotten out to eat for the past 3 hours. My hair is still a mess and i am still wearing my pajamas, i got a text from my friend Arnold.. "Sean let's go out and eat, get out of you're dorm for a bit" he said. I really wanted to go out with Arnold but i really need to pass this midterm that is legit tomorrow. But i know i deserved this break, and plus.. i can finally have a social life. So i said "alright give me 5 minutes to change."

I immediately got up from my chair, looked at myself in the mirror and looked at how disgusting and sleepy i looked. I put on black jeans with my gray sweater and a jean jacket with my vans on and headed out the door. When i went outside it felt like everything was bright because i have been inside for the past two days, I saw Arnold sitting down waiting for me. "Hey Arnold" i replied, "hey Sean, it feels like i haven't seen you in ages" I laughed and said "I know right" as we were both on our way to the cafe. Arnold and I are going to Starbucks to catch up with one another and talked about our day. It felt like ages when i told someone about how I have been feeling because everything has been so hectic lately, the only person who i told everything to was Anika..

We walked into Starbucks and got a table so quick because there was almost no more tables. Arnold and I both ordered our drinks and i got a coffee and a banana bread, we both sat down and talked about what has been going on with each other. "How are you and Anika?" Arnold asked. I looked at him with not knowing what to say... "we are taking a break with each other at the moment"

"I'm sorry for asking" said Arnold.

I replied "It's all good."

As we were catching up Arnold needed to go to the restroom, I looked at my phone to check the time, it was 12:30 pm. My head was starting to hurt again, i have been very concerned about my health recently due to midterm season and all that. I looked up and someone very familiar was approaching to the cafe.. I looked at her not remembering how she looked liked, i forgot how she looked like for a quick minute.. it was Anika. At first I didn't know what to do, but then again does she even remember me ? I quickly started to panic.. trying to avoid anything that might make her think that it's me. All the tables were full so maybe i thought she would just grab her coffee and leave. My body was turned back on her.. i heard a familiar voice. "Excuse me do you mid if i sit here and study for a bit?" I didn't want to turn around.. i just wanted to ignore her but i couldn't. So i turned around.. and there she was right there, seeing each other at a cafe.. what a coincidence. "Hey Anika" i replied and my heart was beating. She looked shocked when she saw me.. her name got called,

"vanilla iced coffee for Anika"

My heart was beating as she went to go get her drink. What should i say to her ? I said in a panic. She approached me.. but when she was approaching me, Arnold came. "Omg hey Anika" Arnold said. "Hey Arnold i haven't seen you in like forever. " Anika replied. It got silent and everything felt so awkward. I told Anika if she wanted to sit down with us. "you know what it's fine.. i needed to go do something with my friend Angela" Anika replied back. "Oh alright then I answered back to her"

"I'll see you guys soon" Anika said.

Arnold looked at me and asked if i was okay. "I should've talked to her or something, what happens if that moment was my only chance at talking to her about how I have been feeling" I said to Arnold. We both got out of Starbucks and headed back to the dorm.

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