what is wrong with you ?

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(Anika's POV)
I cried as I was walking out of the cafe, lying about going somewhere with my friend Angela. My heart was racing, this was the first time in a month I had seen Sean ever since what happened at the cafe.
I was heading to my dorm, got inside , took off my shoes , and immediately went in my bed and cried for a good 10 minutes.
"If he doesn't do anything about this and keeps on brushing it off , then I'll go up to him myself" I said to myself as I was looking at the ceiling.

( 1 hour later)

I stayed in bed just crying and letting the pain go away so I can feel a little better then I'm already am. I got out of bed and changed my outfit again. My eyes were puffy like a cloud, and it looked like I got punched in the face because I had a red mark from laying my chin on my pillows.
I put on my shoes and headed out the door, grabbed my keys and headed out to go eat somewhere by myself. As I was driving, I passed by the dorm buildings and I knew Sean lived there. I didn't know what to say at first, "should I just barge in as soon as he open's the door ? " I said to myself just staring at his door.
I went for it and began to knock on his door, I heard footsteps and I could hear the sound of his voice and footsteps as he was approaching the door. Immediate tears were falling off of my face.. he opens the door.
I looked at him "we need to talk"
He looked so confused and scared for his life.. thinking why am I even hear.

I made the first move to talk to him first. But I couldn't find the words on how to say it to him. I looked around.. trying not to make eye contact with him. He then looked at me, and lifted up my chin. I pushed him away because this isn't the right thing to do right now.
I yelled at him. Telling him about why did he even do that in the first place. As I kept on yelling at him, he interrupted me.. he went to go say that he has been getting these symptoms and that he is worried.
I asked if he called in for a doctor's appointment, he said yes. Is this one of the reasons why you have been feeling weird lately ? I questioned it to myself.
My mind was going everywhere.. is he sick ? What is going on with him ?

I looked at him. Our eyes both met, it made my heart flutter for a quick minute. I grabbed his hand, which were very warm. And told him I will go with you, and I will be here with you through the long run.

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