Chapter 20

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A few months went by and we were doing all the preparation for the wedding. I can't even begin to explain how nervous I am. we planned on having a winter wedding so that's what we did. It's not December 14th and the wedding is the next day. Kehlani and Lauren went with me to pick out the most perfect dress. I sure hope Dinah loves it. Ally and Zendaya went with Dinah to pick out a suit that I haven't seen yet. I wish I could see her in it. she believes that if I see her in her suit before the wedding then that brings bad luck. I just think it's a load of crap.

It's the morning of the wedding and I have yet to see Dinah. she refused to sleep with me until this day came and she stayed with Ally for the last 3 days. I was feeling a bit nauseous but I just figured that it was nerves from the wedding. I was laying in bed, by myself until my whole body jerked up as I ran into the bathroom, leaning over the toilet and throwing up. I don't think it's nerves from the wedding anymore. I never throw up when I'm nervous. I could feel my skin turn red hot. I was sweating. I really hope I'm not what I think I am. I slowly stand up before walking to my cabinet and pulling out a pregnancy test. I pee on it and then let it sit for a few minutes before picking it back up. double lines.. double freakin' lines... "holy shit.." I dropped the test as my hand covered my mouth.

Zendaya was the first person I told the news too and she came over as soon as we got off of the phone. We were sitting on the couch, pretty much still in shock. "so... I'm gonna be an aunt...?" Her face was neutral before it lit up and she got onto the couch, jumping on it. I chuckled a little before pushing her off of the couch, "get off loser. I don't even know how I'm going to tell Dinah." I sigh as I play with my fingers. Zendaya could notice even more stress that was building up, "look. I'll handle the pregnancy test. it'll get told at the reception of the wedding so that you show her. Kehlani is on her way to help you get dressed. try not to worry about it. it will be fine." she kissed my cheek before grabbing her phone and walking out of my house. A lot of hours later and pounds of makeup on, it was almost time for me to walk down the aisle.

I was pacing back and forth, occasionally checking myself out in the mirror. I have to admit... I look so good. Kehlani peeked her head into the room to let me know that it was time. I stepped out of the room as I saw my dad to the right of me. He held his arm out for me as I locked my arm with his. I slowly began to walk down the aisle where I already saw Dinah at the alter. I could feel the tears threatening to come out.

"Who gives this women to be wed?" The pastor asked as I look over at my dad. "Me" My dad said before kissing my cheek and sitting next to my mother. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Normani Kordei Hamilton and Dinah Jane Hansen in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly, and solemnly. Into this - these two persons presents now came to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace. Okay should we begin?" The pastor asks as he looks around at the crowd.

"I, Normani Kordei Hamilton take you Dinah Jane Hansen, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." The tears started to stream down my face as Dinah took her thumb and gently wiped them away. ""I, Dinah Jane Hansen take you Normani Kordei Hamilton, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Dinah was getting teary eyed but she would never cry in a room full of people. Everybody started cheering, hooting and hollering after we finally said our 'I do's'.

"I present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Normani and Dinah Hansen. You may now kiss the bride." The preacher said as Dinah grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me into her embrace before kissing my lips passionately and then pulling away after a few moments." The first time couple made their way to the reception while everybody waited for them to take their first dance as a couple.

We finally made it to the middle of the dance floor where Dinah wrapped her arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around her neck, "I love you mi amour." She mumbled as I laid my head on her chest, swaying my hips to the music.

I found love in you

And I've learned to love me, too

Never have I felt

That I could  be all that you see

It's like our hearts have intertwined 

And to the perfect harmony

This is why I love you

ooh, this is why I love you

Because you love me

You love me

This is why I love you

ooh, this is why I love you

Because you love me

You love me

The song came to a slow end as both of us were practically in tears along with everyone else. We went to sit down where the cake was, letting everybody give their speeches about our long lasting love, most of it was the stupid but funny stories about how our relationship even progressed. Zendaya walked over to me with a small box and a bow that held the box together on it. This was the moment that I was dreading. I could feel my palms sweating. I had no idea how she would even react. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat to get everybody's attention. " I truly didn't think this day or my life could get any better. Here I am, a newlywed with some pretty big news. This has been on my mind all day and it was literally killing me that I wasn't able to show you or tell you but now I can. Take a look.." I was hesitant before handing her the box. She practically pried it from my hands. She slowly undid the bow as I could feel the sweat coming off of the palm of my hands. She dropped the lid to the box and gasped when she saw what was in it, "Holy shit..." She mumbled. Her eyes lit up as she grabbed me by my waist and kissed me deeply before pulling away, "We're having a baby. I love you Mrs. Hansen." She pressed her forehead against mine.

                                                                      9 months later

"Push! Push!" I could hear the echo's of everybody's screaming going through my ears. We've been at this for 12 hours but I finally think we're making progress. I'm in so much pain and I'm almost certain that I will never have any more of Dinah's kids. It's September 6th, 8:03 PM. The baby wasn't supposed to be born until the 16th of September but she decided to sneak up on us. I could hear faint cries, at first I thought they were my own until they started to get louder. Dinah peeked over until she could see the head and then the rest of the body came out. The pain instantly went away when they put my baby girl in my arms. "You did it. I'm so proud of you baby." She kissed my forehead as she looked down at our son. I looked down at our son as I placed a light kiss on his forehead, "Welcome to the world Ryland Kordei Hamilton."

Authors note: YIPEEEEE!! Happy endings for everybody!! I actually had fun creating this story despite being gone for so long. I'm going to try to create the Kehlani/ Normani story within the next few days! I really hope that you guys enjoyed this.

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