The Nomadian: Mind of The Pupil

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Vonn stood firmly with his arms crossed in the pitch black of The Burrow. The pale blue light seeping from his helmet's visor barely lit a few feet in front of him, still, he slowly looked around in the blackness only seeing the emptiness of a metal plated floor.

"Abe?" Vonn said aloud as if he was talking to the room. "Are you there?" his voice was serious.

The darkness before him snapped away as a pure, vivid light came to life only a few meters in front of him; revealing a fraction of the room. It was an interface monitor. The size and girth reminded Vonn of the ones he had seen in the megadome of his favourite sports teams.

A seamless, yet cybernetic voice subtly filled the room.

"What can I do for you, Vonn?" Abe asked.

Vonn uncrossed his arms and slowly made his way towards the large console that laid below the megadome screen. Football Sundays, Vonn thought curiously to himself in his stride. I doubt he'd like that though. He abandoned the thought completely as he closed the gap between himself and Abe just enough so that he could still see the edges of the screen.

The light on The Harbor's dim shadow was almost overwhelming, so much so that Vonn had to adjust the lens on his visor so he wouldn't need to squint. The black matte shade of his suit was so dark it was like it sucked in all the gleam that came near it. Its rubbery texture was creaseless and smooth. Its helmet formed flawlessly to the neck as if it couldn't be removed. The suit was a perfect fit to Vonn's stature; like it had been moulded onto him. It was garbed with buckled metal protecting his spine and shoulders. Individual pieces of squared, curvy plates formed the shape of the suits abdomen and chest.

"Tell me how the hell I get this armour off me," Vonn said in a gentle remark. He motioned to his back where earlier he had expected to find a seam that would release him from what he only felt was a prison at that moment. "Hasn't he heard of a zipper?" Vonn let out a light chuckle.

"Tell me how this thing works."

Abe displayed the blueprint and design of Vonn's armour on her interface.

"The suit functions in tandem with a complex algorithm that interprets the neurological commands of its wearer," she instructed, displaying an exploded view of his helmet interior. Vonn let out a small shudder at the information. He was almost frustrated that he barely understood what she was talking about.

"Please," Vonn gestured, in a welcoming tone of sly sarcasm. "Elaborate."

Abe laid out a long list of statistics next to the blueprint for him. The data scrolled up the screen faster than he could read the jumble of words and numbers. His most educated guess said that he was looking at some kind of computing code.

"The suits algorithm reads the waves produced by the electrical signal conducted from neurological activity in a biological entities brain," Abe started to sound more advising.

Something clicked in Vonn. "It's powered by thought?" he asked.

He had begun to notice how concise and to the point Abe acted. It was the first time he had really initiated a full conversation with her other than giving her his food orders every day. It made sense to him though, her Master being who he was. Why wouldn't she act like that?

She still has more personality than him, though. Vonn snickered at himself and gave his attention to her.

"It functions with thought. However, its power source is the molecular energy contained within the matter the suit is comprised of. According to my records, the element that is crucial to this design only occurs naturally in Nomadia." Abe said affirmingly. Vonn felt like he had to use all the willpower he could muster to stop the palm of his hand from smacking his forehead in a shutter. He was catching up, but he was getting tired of all the Spock shit, he thought, and figured he would finally see what Abe could do.

The Nomadian: Mind of The PupilWhere stories live. Discover now