Children of the Gods (WORK IN PROGRESS)

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I drove my beautiful new Ford F-150 into the student parking lot, I hadn't been in the Hellish place since school had gotten out for Summer. But today was the first day of my senior year here at Weston Lake Senior High and lets face it- everyone was excited to see each other.

Diana laughed from the passenger seat, "Only one year left! Think we can handle it?" I parked the car and smiled at the passing freshmen, "Handle it? Diana- we've been a hit here since we were their age!" She nodded, still a little unsure- that was just like her though. I rolled my eyes as I hopped out my truck, "Oh come on! Look at us, we're practically goddesses!" We laughed together as we linked our arms and headed towards the school- leaving behind all the unnecessary nerves; because I was right! We basically were goddesses- except we lived in Athens- Georgia of course!

Diana had our fist block together- chemistry with Mr.Somers. As Diana waved and greeted a few of our friends, I watched some of the new students; most of everyone I knew- none of them were threats to our popularity, then there were those weird guys who sat in the back and played Pokemon, and of course the kids who no one hated or favored.

A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts, "Dang! You get hotter every time I see you! Especially with that tan!" Logan put his arm around me, I smiled and played along. "If only I had a boy as hot as me,  then I'd look even better!" He laughed, "Hey babe-you've got my number! Just watch out for my other fan girls!" He winked and I playfully pushed him. What he said was probably true, Logan was one of the hottest guys here and was always covered in girls- Diana and I had a fling with him during sophomore year- not at the same time though! Diana walked over with Michelle, another senior we'd met in Civics last year. "Arica!" She squealed as she engulfed me in a tight hug, "How was Summer?! Why didn't we hangout?!" She squealed again as she waved at someone behind me- I tried not to glare as she did.  Michelle had always been a very hyper and talkative person, and I was very irritable- so it wasn't a good mix! "So sorry girlie! Diana didn't tell you? We spend all of our Summers in Greece! We there!" Her jaw dropped, "You lucky ducks! Oh what I wouldn't give-" Thankfully Mr. Somers walked in and told us to take a seat, just before she could start an infamous rant.

The whole "first day" routine fell into action when Mr. Somers groggily made us stand in front of the class for an introduction. I made a mental note of one girl in particular: Ally- a loud of bubbly freshman who tried too hard for attention from boys. Looks like I'd have to put her in her place this year.

After class I grabbed my purse and guzzled down some water- when I was in Georgia it was all I drank, everything else tasted too...fake! A small and quiet freshman walked towards me- May, Madi, Madge, Maria? Crap! What was it?! Whatever her name was- she had a good sense of style! Her clothes were peppy and happy, but conservative also- nothing slutty, but definitely cute! She gave a shy smile and waved, "Hi! You're Arica, right?" I smiled, "Yeah! You're... Maria!" She flashed a small frown that I barely caught, "Well- Mary actually. I just wanted to say that I love your contacts!" I knew she'd meant my odd eye color. My eyes were a purple- red color- no contacts involved! My parents were the ancient Greek gods, and they were not myths. Aphrodite and Ares are the reason for my fierce yet gentle eye color- among many other traits and characteristics. "Thank you!" I beamed- they cost a fortune!" She nodded and almost continued our conversation until Diana and a few of the other seniors walked over. Feeling awakward she smiled at me and waved goodbye. I gave her a quick hug- to let her know she was welcome with me any where, any time! "Have fun in the hell-hole!"

The rest of my classes were very uneventful: only familiar faces, creepy guys, tons of bad pickup lines (most from some friend-zoned guys), and pointless speeches about class rules. As my English teacher went over our syllabus I reminisced on our most recent trip to "Greece"- to the Underworld.

Every summer we- meaning Diana and I- went to the Underworld and stayed in Hades' castle. Diana was a direct descendant of Athena and Dionysus, I was one from Aphrodite and Ares. The gods all decided at one point that they should be able to have offspring, so Zeus commanded Aphrodite to grant the Goddeses the same child-bearing abilities as mortal females. They were all very pleased and had many children until one day they concluded we were a threat to their power. They realized that we would grow up and become just as powerful as them. So Zeus made Aphrodite revoke the privilege and forced the Gods to kill their children. Of course Zeus couldn't kill immortals- especially when his hateful brother was the one who decided who died and who just couldn't leave Hell. So Hades let us live, and put as here on Earth. Diana and I lived in foster homes up until this summer when we turned 18. Now we spend every summer and weekend with the only god that cares for us. Hades calls us Godren- or children of the gods. The only way we'd have our complete powers of either parent was if that God gave them to us. However that would mean that that particular god would become a powerless immortal, and no god has given their powers up by choice. Ever.

 When the last bell released us from jail I met Diana and a lot of our friends by the picnic tables underneath a large oak tree. Our clique varied from true friends to adoring aquantices, all the way to the wannabes. Diana and I were at the top of course, the only real thing that mattered was beauty- and considering we were the off-spring of perfection, we had that down pact.

I walked towards the huddle of teens and was instantly greeted by most everyone, Diana smiled. "Finally! Gods, your class must've been in Iraq!" She snuck the s on to the end of Gods without any questioning faces- almost everyone in Georgia was monotheistic and laughed at the belief of Greek gods. "Actually- I walked extra slow today! Just to annoy you!" Our friends laughed as I spit my tongue at her. I heard footsteps behind me- heels hitting the ground too hard for any girl who wasn't an attention-whore. I glanced to my side and saw Ally, the freshman attention-whore. She stepped past me and stood in front of David another senior who was an actual friend. He was the starting quarterback for our school but definitely not the stereo-typical jock. Ally crossed her arms across her flat chest and shifted all 120 pounds of her weight to one bony hip, she raised her voice- interrupting our fun time. "You didn't answer the phone last night." David stared at her- what was he supposed to say?  "Sorry? I was dealing with family issues." She rolled her eyes, "Oh bull. Whatever- call me tonight." She spun on her heel and walked away- trying to swing her pre-puberty hips as she did. David laughed in an effort to play it off, but I could see the misery in his eyes- as well as the wanting. Bittersweet. I hadn't realized my fist were clenched until Diana squeezed my wrist. Being the daughter of the God of War himself, gave me a irrationally harsh side- as well as a temper. I could never realize had bad my anger became until the damage was done. " Well! It's time for us to leave you amazing people! Goodbye everyone!" Diana smiled and dragged me unwillingly away by her side. "If you would've just given me 2 seconds- I could've fixed her attitude!" I snarled. Diana rolled her eyes, "Yes and if I had allowed you just 10, she would've been dead." I hopped in the truck and started then engine, "Would that've been so bad?" Diana thought for a moment- "Good point."

That night we ate our Easy-Mad and corn along with dino-shape chicken nuggets- it's not the we couldn't afford better, this was just so much more simple! Especially after long school days! "So," I said through a mouthful of corn, "do we really have to visit him this weekend? I mean school just started today, and we just came back from our summer-long visit 2 days ago! I really don't feel like getting all dressed up for Hell." Diana shook her head,  everything I just said. "It's not Hell- it's the Underworld. And yes- we must go! He enjoys our company! Besides we practically owe him our souls! We go, we impress, we're approved, we leave-we live. End of story!" She turned the TV on louder so all we could hear were the horrible voices of MTV's Artist of the Week. Diana was right- of course, it was part of her goddess-given talent to have excellent judgement.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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