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Much to Merida's chagrin, Edgar did not get any better and was suffering high fevers and delirious dreams that would keep him awake all night long. They mostly involved something regarding him being taken away or her being taken away from him. He tossed and turned all night and it was a wonder Merida herself didn't get sick from his ailment since she usually had to sleep with him in order to keep him calm. Jamison suggested letting Edgar sweat it out under the covers but Lucus was afraid of him being so young and small that it would cause an opposite effect. He ordered Merida to stay with the lad for as long as she could, nursing him the best way she knew how. Finally, after a few long, hard nights, it looked like Edgar may have finally broken his fever and was able to come to consciousness.


Edgar opened his eyes and realized that he was moving but not of his own accord. It was his whole body, not an arm or so. He closes his eyes for a moment and then turned, finding a chest in his face. He blinked in confusion and then looked up, finding Higgs.
"Mr. Higgs?" he asked, his throat course and dry.
Higgs looked down at the boy and smiled.
"How are you feeling?" he asked softly.
"Unwell... You're not a Dullahan anymore..."
"Yesterday was the last of that evil, I'm afraid. This month you have, what Merida would say, a 'spider-ass' to contend with."
"I'd take the spider any day..." he said with a sigh, turning and snuggling into Higg's chest. "Where's Merida?"
"She's on my back here. I thought it would be best if I carried you back home. Mother said that you were doing well enough to make the trek back up the hill but I wouldn't dream of making you walk it. You've had a hard time, yeah?"
Edgar nodded. "I kept having bad dreams about you and Merida... that you were going to leave me behind or that I was getting taken from you..."
"Well, rest assured now, you'll not have to believe it. I wouldn't dream of letting that happen to any of us... So, relax and we'll be home in a minute."
Edgar snuggled into his chest and fell back asleep. Higgs smiles a little and looked at Edgar for a moment and then back at Merida, who was wrapped around his back. He never realized that having them made the curse just a little more bearable. The problem was that he was going to have to reveal something he would have rather waited to reveal in order for Merida to understand the visit they were going to have.


Merida stretched and found she was back in her room in Higgs' mansion. She looked around a little when it dawned on her that Higgs had probably brought her back up the hill. She practically flew out of bed and went out the door. She didn't bother to wash or anything as she padded down the stairs and to the kitchen. She almost fell but turned the corner and was disappointed to not find her employer waiting for her. She made a face and sighed, leaning against the door.
"Were you looking for something?"
Merida turned as Higgs walked in from another room. Not being able to contain herself, Merida launched into a hard run and jumped into Higgs' arms, wrapping her legs around the bottom half of his human torso.
"Yer back! Yer back!" she yelled happily in the crook of his shoulder.
"Aye, that I am..." he said with a smile. "I've missed you, Merida."
"And I ye!" She pulled back to look at him. "Yer ass is a spider."
"This is the month of the Arachne, I'm afraid."
"Anything is better than that damned Dullahan."
"Speaking of which..." Higgs set her down and motioned for her to follow him. "I've wanted to tell you for so long that I was sorry for what happened while I was in that form."
"Dinnae ye worry about it, Mr. Higgs. It was something I just wasnae prepared for. I shouldnae have been such a ninny about the whole thing."
"That's no excuse for what I did... I scared you to a point that I can't even fathom... For a moment... for a moment you even thought about leaving my side..."
"And I regret those few moments from the bottom of my heart."
"I don't blame you, Merida. I could never do that... that's why I got you something."
"How... did ye get something?"
"Well, I had Davros go and get it for me and luckily he's Irish so he knew what I was talking about."
Merida made a face. "Ye ken I'm Scottish, yah?"
"I meant that he understood the equivalent of what I was wanting. Hold on..."
Higgs climbed up the side of the house and went up to a very large web that Merida didn't even realize was there. He grabbed a small lump and started back down the wall, removing the thick webbing that was over it.
"Sorry about the webbing and such; I hope you like it."
Merida opened the box and found another box that reminded her for a jewel box. She made a face and opened it, finding a beautiful silver ring with an intricate knotting pattern and a more intricate pattern at different intervals.
"Davros said he couldn't really find anything befitting of what I wanted but he said he could find someone to make it. From what I understand, this straight intertwining knot that looks like a rope is called a sailor's knot, and it represents friendship, harmony, affection, and love and is also considered the strongest knot there is. The little round ones are called shield knots or something... they are used to protect and ward... I know it's not exactly your culture but..."
"Ye... made this for me? Why?" she asked, looking up at him.
"Because I want you to understand that I don't appreciate the Dullahan making you feel scared and almost making you leave me." He took out the ring and pointed to the rope pattern. "This knot is how I feel for you: our friendship is strong like this knot and I don't want anything to let that come between us. And this," He pointed to the rounded knots. "This will protect you from the horrors of my body. Dullahans are of myth, but so are the 'powers' of these knots. I think if you put your feelings into this ring, if the Dullahan comes around next time, the superstition and mythology will add power to it."
Merida smiled sweetly and reached up to touch Higgs' face tenderly.
"The gesture is sweet, lad. I'll wear it every day... and the knots are in both of our cultures, so at least Davros got something right."
Higgs let out a big sigh. "Thank God. I was so worried it was too Irish and you'd get mad at me."
Merida laughed. "I'd never turn a gift ye put yer heart and soul into, even if it wasnae my culture."
"Here, let me put it on you. I hope it fits..."
Higgs grabbed her hand and held up her middle finger, slipping the ring onto it. It fit like a glove.
"Wow, I didn't realize Davros was so detailed. He got it almost perfect."
"Why the middle finger?"
"Well, it does look a bit like a wedding band..."
Merida looked at it a minute. "Aye, it does... Thank ye, Mr. Higgs. I truly treasure it."
"I have one for Edgar when he wakes up but it's a pendant of the shield knot."
"Is he here as well?"
"Yes, he's in his room. He seems to be doing better but I'll probably have Lucus come and check on him soon... Um, by the by, you got my letter regarding my uncles, did you not?"
"I did... They're going to be staying with us?"
"They've been dying to meet you, from what father says... especially Uncle Kans."
"Kans, eh? Weel, no need in arguing I guess. It's yer house so ye have who ye want in here."
"There's... a bit of a thing I need to tell you about."
"Can we have breakfast before ye go into details? I'm famished..."
"Of course."
Merida set to make breakfast, wondering what was so important.

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now