Movie Night: Part Two

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Getting out of the cramped car felt great! I stretched a bit then looked around at the city lights in amazement.

"Shit," Mina mumbled under her breath. "Ok, we're a little late. We may have to skip out on touring the city." She said in a defeated voice.

"C'mon, cheer up! At least we get to see the movie on time." Kirishima laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," she giggled, "let's just go get popcorn!"

  With that, we headed inside.

After we all got our drinks and our snacks, we headed to the room playing A Quiet Place and got our seats.

Sero and I sat next to each other. Mina sat in between us and Bakugou and Kirishima.

"Not gonna lie, I'm not the best with horror movies." I nervously admitted. It's true though. And I never have been.

"Well then good thing I'm here to protect you." He playfully winked as he looked down at my blushing face.

"You're too cheesy..." I mumble while flustered.

I'm starting to think that hanahaki has some flaws. If everything that I've read is true, shouldn't I be puking? And shouldn't Sero... y'know, not be acting like this? He- he can't be in love with me again. C-can he?!


"Eek! It's starting! Shush!" Mina squealed, cutting me off. I shut up and focus my attention on the screen.

I grip onto my arm rest as the tension of the movie gets more intense. When the creature jumped onto the bridge, I nearly jumped out of my seat.

"Hey," I hear Sero whisper. I start to turn my head to face him- but I soon feel a soft hand caressing mine. He rubbed the back of my hand with his thump—which was enough to get me to faint—then shifted his hand until he held mine softly.
I gripped it tighter as the scene continued. He quietly giggled at my scared reaction, then tightened his grip as well. Giving me that same feeling of safety and comfort.
I know I probably have the dumbest, most flustered smile right now.

We stayed like that the rest of the movie. Whenever something scared me, I tightened my grip on his hand, and he'd tighten back in a comforting way.

I was more then halfway asleep by the end. I began to drift into space, when suddenly people began to clap and the lights turned back on.

"Kaminari, you still awake, bro?" Sero said with a small guffaw.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. I noticed we were still holding hands. But now, my fingers intertwined with his.

"Come on, if we don't hurry they'll leave us." He laughed getting up and unraveling our hands. I got up shortly after, and we headed back out to the car.

"There you two are~!" Mina squealed while waving at us as we exited. "C'mon the cars not far at all!" And with that, we all headed to the car and drove back to the dorms.

Set Fire to the Garden (Kamisero / Serokami)Where stories live. Discover now