Chapter 1

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Bella, a young girl with long beautiful straight raven hair and piercing ice blue eyes, was sitting at a Desk in the BAU office where she worked for almost a year now. She had spent a good part of her life working on getting this job. she had been just a child when she met the team for the first time in her life. Derek Morgan, one of her teammates, saved her from a man. she later returned the favor when he had been trapped under a rock slide and the man that the team had been hunting had almost gotten away if she hadn't of reacted as quickly as she did there in the woods.

now she sat at the desk looking at a package that had just arrived for her debating whether or not to open the package, however, her curiosity outweighed her caution.

"if you're waiting for it to do a trick you're going to be waiting a while," Derek said, sitting at his desk, sipping on a cup of coffee.

"I don't normally get packages" Bella admitted a bit nervously.

"was there a note or a card?" Derek asked.

"yes" Bella replied standing up reaching up to the box and pulled the tape off of the box. she had read the card moments before all it said on the card was 'Happy Birthday', there was no name nor an address or anything to be able to trace who or where the package had come from.

she flipped open the box and then squealed in surprised jumping backward knocking over her chair.

Derek jumped up out of his chair and went over to her looking worried. "what is it?" he asked looking down into the box. a look of bewilderment appeared on his face.

Bella turned a dark shade of red as she realized that she had gained every one attention in the office.

"did she just squeal?" Spencer Reid, the second youngest of the group, Bella being the youngest, asked looking at Bella in surprise.

Bella felt her face heat up more. "I did not" she snapped turning her attention to the box and looked in the side of it.

In side, the box was a small fox Kit curled up asleep. Bella suspected by the looks of it that the kit was too young to have been taken away from its mother.

"is everything alright?"

bella jumped in fright as the voice of Aaron Hotchner came from behind her. she swerved around and saw he was reading over a file. "what is this sneak up on Bella day" she exclaimed.

"is that even a thing?" Reid asked.

"you would know" Derek shot back.

"what's in the box?" Hotch asked finally looking up from the documents in his hands.

bella looked back over at the box and carefully reached in picking up the fox kit which caused the kit to wake up and make a sound that had bella once again squealing. "oh my god it's so cute" she squeaked. the fox kit squirmed around in her hold as she held it close to her as if trying to make sure she didn't drop it.

"who sent that?" Emily Princess asked.

"I don't know" Bella replied, "it didn't say" she added moving the card out of site hoping that they didn't notice.

"it's young," JJ said staring at the kit in awe.

"too young" bella replied looking up at them. "he shouldn't have been taken from its mother. my father has a fox so I know a little bit" she admitted shyly.

"could he have been the one to send it?" Derek asked.

"no...he wouldn't have taken the baby from the mother this early...besides he doesn't even know where....where to send it" Bella replied.

"well, it was sent here. he could have just sent it here in case you didn't get home" Emily said.

bella looked away. " wasn't him," she said.

the team glanced at each other.

"how do you know...did the note say something that could give you a clue as to who sent it?" Derek asked.

bella shook her head. "no nothing. there was nothing. no name no return address nothing at all" bella replied.

"then how do you know it wasn't your father. you said it your self he has a fox. was his a female?" Hotch asked.

"because he doesn't know where I am" bella snapped trembling. " sorry," she said quietly and quickly walked out of the office carrying the kit. she walked out to her car and unlocked the door. the kit trembled as his ears flicked. he looked around at everything.

Bella opened the car door and got in. she put the fox ki9t down on the seat next to her shutting the car door. she pulled out her phone and pressed a call which was on speed dial. after a few rings she heard Scorpius, her uncle, and brother, answer the phone.

"hey, bells" she heard coming from his side.

"don't call me that" she growled.

"oh...bad day at work?" Scorpius asked.

"something like that. hey when did dad get Bella?" she asked pulling the seat belt over her and clicking it.

"uh....oh the fox. umm just before he got you, Hence the name issue, why?" Scorpius asked.

"no, I mean how old was she?" Bella asked.

"Oh umm I don't know...old enough I guess. not understanding where this line of questioning is coming from though" Scorpius replied.

"are you with dad?" Bella asked hearing something in the background.

"yeah wanna talk to him or are you still being a little whimp?" he asked teasingly.

"come down here and we will see whos the whimp jack. no, I don't...look I just...did you send me a fox?" she asked.

"a fox? no, I didn't send you anything" Scorpius replied sounding confused.

"weird...someone sent me a package it arrived at work. there was a fox kit inside of the box. its too young to be away from its mother. I didn't know who else to call" bella said with a sigh as she started the car.

"how old do you think it is? who sent it?" Scorpius asked.

"like I said I don't know who sent it. I don't know it can move on its own. he can hear and see everything. but the teeth are small. id say he still should be with the mother at least another week or two" she replied as she set her phone down with the speaker on and drove out of the parking lot.

"what are you going to do with it?" Scorpius asked after a moment of silence.

"I don't...look all I know is it showed up at work with a note" bella replied sounding frustrated. "and before you ask all the note said was a happy birthday. there was no name no return address nothing to identify who left the kit there" she said with a sigh.

"that's got to be frustrating alright hey umm ill talk to dad see what he says and let you know. he would know about these things" Scorpius explained.

"fine just...don't tell him anything about me" bella replied checking her mirrors.

"I won't I wont," Scorpius said reassuringly.

"let me know soon im going to the pet store to see if I can't find anything for it. its shaking and its got to be hungry" bella said.

"maybe you should take it to the vet first ow!" Scorpius yelped. Bella could hear a faint growl. she snickered having a guess as to what happened.

"please tell me I didn't just miss you getting bitten by a fox." bella said with an amused laugh.

"Oh shut up" Scorpius growled abruptly hanging up the phone.

Bella made a face. "ok jerk" she grumbled.

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