chapter 9

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about an hour later found Bella walking down a hidden tunnel under her house leading to a hidden cave. she looked around the cave holding up a lit lantern. upon arrival into the cave, she was greeted by a horse neighing.

"hey, midnight. how did you know I'd be coming here?" Bella asked setting the lantern down on the table and walking over to the black stallion.. she reached up and ran her hand down the side of his face and his nose.

she backed up and walked over to a glass casing where a back outfit was hanging up beside another. she pulled out one and changed into the outfit. she stretched feeling her self relaxing as she put her mask on. a feeling of safety and comfort washed over her. she let out a relieved sigh. she turned and walked over to Midnight. "ready for a ride Midnight?" she asked.

Midnight reared up and neighed in excitement.

Bella smiled. "I thought you would be," she said climbing onto his back. he staid completely still until she gave the signal to move. once the signal was given however Midnight took off leaving only dust behind him.

Bella allowed Midnight to run out his excitement before steering him in the direction of town.

*it has been a long time my friend. what is the need for a sudden ride? cabin fever*

Bella recognized the voice as the stallions.

"a little but also Black Whip is needed once more. And this time it has nothing to do with Pat Garret or his family" she replied.

*there is trouble?* Midnight asked.

"I think someone is pretending to be Zorro. whoever it is...they are doing a lot of damage" Bella explained.

*, let's take them down* Midnight said as he quickened his speed towards town. Bella let out an excited yell as adrenaline shot through her. "let's make a statement" she said with a smirk looking up at the building that was her work.

It was getting dark out so no one would see her as she crept around in the shadows leaving midnight in an ally-way waiting for her. she swiped some spray paint cans from the nearby store and made her way back to the BAU building. she made quick work with the little time that she had trying to stay out of sight.

she got rid of the evidence and went back to Midnight. "that should shake them up a bit." she said with a mischievous smirk.

*are we going back now?* Midnight asked.

"no...hide I will call when I need you. I am going to stay and watch the drama unfold" She replied.

Midnight gave a bow of the head before trotting away.

Bella looked around and hid back into the shadows climbing up onto the roof waiting.

her wait wasn't very long people began coming out of the building and attention was attracted to the building. Bella leaned against the edge of the building. "well...well...well happy birthday to me" she said watching the people below. just then two black vans showed up. her team got out of the two vans and looked up at the building.

"damn too bad I don't have a drink this is too good," she said with a sigh. she glanced over and was a bit surprised to see a glass of wine sitting there. "hmmm thanks" she said picking it up and bringing it up to her lips taking a sip.

Time passed the moon came up. members of the team only left twice after finding the mark. they were working overtime in order to finish the case. it was 6 o clock. Bella stood up standing on the edge. she bent her knees a little before jumping off the building flipping in the air letting out a sharp whistle.

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