chapter 11

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Bella and Zorro were currently sitting up on the couch in the living room of the house.

"I hope they are not missing me too much," she said with a yawn. "if they haven't already figured out that I am Black Whip," she said wiping at her eyes tiredly.

"when was the last time you got any proper sleep?" Diego asked.

"Hmm, I don't know" Bella replied with a nonchalant shrug.

"you should sleep," he said urging her.

Bella shook her head. "I can't" she replied.

"why not? you've had a tiring day" Diego said sounding puzzled.

"you will disappear" Bella replied tiredly.

Diego's eyes widened as he realized what she meant. "you needn't worry. I am always with you. I am not going to leave you" he said pulling her close in a comforting embrace. Bella leaned into him curling up. it didn't take her very long to fall asleep against his chest as a feeling of safety and warmth washed over her.

the next morning Bella woke up and found her self in her bedroom and alone and in one of her night clothes. She shot up out of bed looking around in a panic. "Diego?" she called out as she began to tremble. she felt a tear fall from her eyes when she didn't get a response. she wiped it away quickly and pulled a silk robe over her as she walked out of the room tying the belt around her walking out of her room. she made her way downstairs and a towards the kitchen where a sudden wave of something cooking hit her.

she rolled her eyes with a slight smile. "Alec? Scorpius?" she called out as she turned down into the kitchen only to stop frozen in place staring at the man in the kitchen who was neither Scorpius or Alec.

"Diego" she whispered in shock.

Diego looked up at smiled at her. "I was hoping you'd sleep a little longer at least until I was finished here," he said.

Bella looked around the kitchen unsure if she could or should believe what she was seeing. she walked over to his side looking down at what he was cooking. "hm. I didn't know you knew how to cook" she commented.

"when I was...well...alive I didn't. I learned afterward. Hades sucks at cooking" Diego replied.

"that I knew...weird...that's why he wanted all those recipes. this is one of my personal recipes" she said looking at all the ingredients that were on the counter. "they were for you" she looked up at him.

Diego sighed and nods a bit.

"not that I...I just.. when are you leaving?" Bella asked looking down wringing her hands a bit nervously.

Diego looked at her with a saddened look. "never" he replied leaning closer to her and kissing her forehead.

"Diego" she started to say wanting to believe his words but she couldn't bring her self to kill her hopes and ruin the moment. "the food is burning" she quickly changed her train of thought and turned the conversation to something else.

Diego's attention went back to the food and quickly too it off the stove.

Bella looked away pushing back the emotions threatening to fall. "I...I need to get ready for work" she said turning away and quickly went up to her room to change.

an hour later Bella was dressed, fed, and pulling into the parking lot of her workplace after getting two to go coffees. IT was then a thought come to her and she turned to Diego who was sitting next to her in the passenger's seat, He had insisted on coming and seeing the place where she worked even if it was only for a moment.

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