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Hello everyone, this is a new fanfiction I am writing, along with @PierceTheJamie_! I, (Cam), am writing Jack's P.O.V. in this story, and Jamie is writing Alex's P.O.V.! Please enjoy it, vote, & comment! :)


I woke up, to my alarm BLARING. I yawned and rolled over to face my wall. It's the first day of school, and I'm new. In high school, its even worse. It's senior year, and I couldn't be happier at the thought of this being the last year of going through hell and back, everyday. It still sucked, but I mean only one more year... I could survive this.

I rolled back over, and stood to shut my alarm off. Walking to the other side of the room, I saw my cat sleeping on my dresser. I pet him, and he woke up. He started purring, and I pet him some more. I grabbed my blink-182 shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of navy blue vans, and headed into the bathroom. I hopped into the shower, and let the hot water stream down my back. I loved taking showers, but I never had the time. I got out of the shower, and dried myself on. I put on some deodorant, and cologne, only because it's one of my favorite scents in the world. I slipped my clothes on, and headed downstairs. I saw my brother eating some cereal, and I smiled at him. He smiled back, and I went to go get an apple or something. After finishing that up, I grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. I lived really close to the new school so I could just walk there. I looked down the street, and saw a boy who looked about my age, walking fast. He had darkish brown hair with a blonde streak in the middle, going forward. I couldn't really see him,  He was looking down. I saw he had a blink shirt on as well, and converse. I looked away, and started walking to school.

I opened the doors, and it was just as bad as last year. People making out, people teasing and hurting other people, the scene girls, the preppy girls, and the jocks flirting with almost every girl. This was actually worse than last year. I turned down the hallway that my locker was in, and opened it up. I grabbed my schedule, and grabbed everything. I turned really fast, and bumped into someone.

"I-sorry," I said quickly, looking at who I bumped into. It was the boy I saw earlier, walking down the street.

"It's not your fault. It's fine," he said, flashing a small smile and walking past me.

I wasn't gay, but damn he was good looking! I knew I didn't believe myself when I thought that, but I couldn't get him out of my mind. I shut my locker, and headed to my first class, History.

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