Chapter three ~sleepover/debbies party"

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I woke up from my phone ringing it was Fiona calling me at 8:25am, "hey fi" I said yawning "sorry to wake you i just wanted to know if you wanted to come over to Debbie's sleepover tonight?" "Yeah sure love to, do you guys need any help with decorating?" "Uh yeah sure and I won't be able to stay tonight because of my other job at the club" ~pretend~ "oh ok that's alright we will be alright" "ok thank you come over in about an hour or two to help" "ok bye" "bye"  we hung up and I quickly got up and showered I did my hair teeth makeup and dressed

I woke up from my phone ringing it was Fiona calling me at 8:25am, "hey fi" I said yawning "sorry to wake you i just wanted to know if you wanted to come over to Debbie's sleepover tonight?" "Yeah sure love to, do you guys need any help with decor...

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I walked into my kitchen made breakfast ate and drove down to the Gallagher household and parked my car in the front and knocked on the door a few seconds later lip opened the door "hey what are you doing here?" He asked "Fiona invited me to debs ...

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I walked into my kitchen made breakfast ate and drove down to the Gallagher household and parked my car in the front and knocked on the door a few seconds later lip opened the door "hey what are you doing here?" He asked "Fiona invited me to debs party and to decorate" I said "oh well uh come in" he said and I walked in and debs saw me and smiled and ran to me giving me a hug "hey debs it's good to see you" I said "it's good to see you to Jess" said happily I smiled and walked into the kitchen me and Fiona talked and decorated a few hours later everyone was here right now we were watching a movie lip right next to me then there was a knock on the door "I got it" I said and got up and opened the door and it saw Carly "what are you doing here to dumb twid" Carly said "twid isn't a word dumb dick" ~ I just made twid up I'm not sure if it's a real thing~ "anyways I'm here for lip my boyfriend" lip came over "Carly I'm watching a movie with my little sister and my brother and my sister friends I'm really not in the mood so can you leave" "no I can't" Carly said "there's no such thing called can't" I said ~ that's  what my parents and my teachers say to me~ Carly rolled her eyes and left the Gallagher household and me and lip went back to finish the movie and a girl named holly was being such a bitch, and the boy that Debbie likes little hank, well little hank likes holly but holly likes lip and lip doesn't like holly and Simon Debbie's friend he likes Debbie but Debbie doesn't like him. So it's a big "love" mess, a few hours later everyone was asleep and holly got up to go pee upstairs meanwhile she knows there's a bathroom in the kitchen a few minutes later holly came down clearly pissed off
"Wait holly I'm making waffles in the morning" Debbie begged "yeah well you can shove mine up lips ass" holly said "what'd he do to you want me to beat him for you" little hank said and holly Carl and little hank all left meanwhile Carl lives here and lip came down and Fiona came in "why is holly crying?" Fiona asked "holly left because of something lip did" Debbie said "you didn't" Fiona said "no I didn't I blew her off and she got pissed off" lip said ~I forgot what lip had said that episode~ "why couldn't you have just done her so my party wouldn't suck" Debbie said storming into the kitchen and about to go upstairs, "debs wait what if I take you to an R rated movie sometime?" Lip asked "and little hank "lip also said "he won't go with just me can holly come to?" Debbie asked "yeah ok" "a double date?" Debbie said "no just me buying and escorting" "ok great" Debbie said happy and ran to her room to go to bed "nice going lip" Fiona said "well what would you have me done sleep with the kid" lip said "guys just shut up the situation is over with hair go to bed" I said clearly so fucking tired "lip take Jessica to your room she she can sleep" Fiona said "alright" lip signed "no its fine I can drive home" I said "um no you can't your to tired" Fiona said, lip helped me upstairs to his room and I took off my top and shorts "give me one of your shirts please" I said lip handed me one of his shirts, and I took my bra off and put his shirt on and buttoned it up and I laid down on the bed on the wall side and lip got in bed beside me and I cuddled him making him cuddle me back.... hope you guys enjoyed that if you have any requests on a story don't be afraid to leave one love you ya little fucks

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