Part 4

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My alarm obnoxiously beeps next to my head and I bring my hand to slam it to the floor. It was old anyways.

About 5 seconds ago I decided I didn't want to go to school and as of now that decision is sticking. I close my eyes to try and get more sleep and it takes about 5 minutes to realize I'm not getting any more sleep.

I sluggishly pull myself out of bed and down the hall to the bathroom. I grab the ibuprofen off of the shelf and pop a couple of them in my mouth to hopefully conquer the massive headache exploding in my skull.

When I look at my face in the mirror I almost jump back in horror. There is a giant purple, raised bruise on my forehead that not even my hideous bangs could hide. My lip looks like it has grown ten times it's size and there's a noticeable ugly cut across my bottom lip.

I am definitely NOT going to school today. Rummaging through some cabinets I'm able to find some Chapstick for my lips which I quickly apply and shove in the pocket of my sweats.

Outside the sun is hiding behind the clouds causing the city to have an ominous glow. My mom and sisters cars are gone so unless my brother is staying home sick I'm home alone.

The water feels warm against my skin and I run my hands through my tangled blonde hair. My skin begins to turn red as the heat rises but I let it run anyways.

Just as I'm changing I hear a knock on the door and quickly pull my hair up in a lazy bun as I trip towards the door.

He stands in the doorway with a cigarette between his lips and glasses atop his nose.

"That better be a metaphorical cigarette because smoking isn't allowed here." Despite how hot the cigarette looks between his lips is really would rather not have our neighbors complaining to management about the smoke.

"Since when do I care about rules." He smirks.

"So are you going to let me in or what?" He rests his hand on the doorway waiting for me to move so that he can invite himself in.

"Not until you throw that away. And how did you know which apartment I lived in?" I just realized that he only dropped me off in front of the building so there is no way he should know our address.

"Fine fuck. Here." He hands me the cigarette after he puts out the lit part with his tongue. I cringe at the way it sizzles and reluctantly grab it from his fingers.

I leave the door open behind me so that he can let himself in as I go to throw his cigarette away.

His boots clad against the wooden floor and I move to block him from entering the house any further until he answers my previous question.

"How did you know where I lived?" I ask again.

"I asked." He shrugs as if it's obvious.

"What do you mean you asked? Who did you ask? The front desk man? He's not allowed to tell you information like that." I press him for more information as to how he got my address.

"Well I made him tell me." Niall snaps and steps around me, done with my interrogation. I giggle at the thought of Niall yelling at the front desk man downstairs.

"So why aren't you at school?" He rests his frame against our refrigerator and looks down at me.

"Why aren't you at school?" I ask not really wanting to explain my reasoning.

"Didn't feel like it. Now are you gonna tell me why?" When I try to move past him he steps in front of me and corners me between the wall and him.

"Didn't feel like it." I point to the bruise on my forehead hoping he gets the hint.

"Hmm." He removes his arms so that I am no longer trapped and I take advantage of the freedom and walk to my room; listening to his footsteps follow mine.

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