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Chapter 5:

         You feel like your about to burst out crying because the concert is over. You and Emma are being pushed threw an overly excited crowd pouring out of the stadium. Both of step out of the crowdto see if you could exit another way without being trampled. Emma sees a doorway cracked open and you both sneak inside to see if it could take you another way out without following the crowd. You spot some security guards blocking a room, so you grab Emma's arm and duck behide a pile of boxes next to the door you came in from. The bands manager, Paul, ran up to the gaurds blocking the door and was shouting about a group of fangirls breaking in the building. As you watch them all leave, you and Emma run towards the room the guards were blocking. You about reached it when you and Emma bumped into a couple of people. "Oh! Were so sorry, We were just....." you explained. As you got a good look at them, you could barely breath.

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