I thought I'd see you here

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It's winter. You love winter. It feels like the cold is cleansing you, making you new. The feeling is doubled by the fact that you are walking out of the lawyers office a free woman.

It was even all over the papers: "Bruce Wayne and Wife Split. Who instigated it? Is there someone else?" The tabloid trash had been following Bruce for the last week or so, since someone in Wayne Enterprises tipped them off to the divorce.

You've been pictures of him and his little toy on your timeline, on a passing magazine cover. But the more you saw it, the less it hurt. You were happy with Clark, the boys were coming by more often, and you were doing well at work.

You were walking in the cold air with your headphones in, blasting S.L.U.T by Bae Miller, when out walked Bruce from behind the coffee shop on the corner. You stopped dead in your tracks.
"Bruce." You say.
"(Y/n). I thought I'd see you here." He says.
Does he think you're stupid? He either has your phone chipped or he has you followed. Either way, you don't want this conversation to be longer than it has to be and you don't really want to make a scene here on the street.
"Do you need something?"
"I need to tell you something. Before you read about it."
Your heart stops. "What happened? Are the boys okay? Alfred?" You start to panic and Bruce holds your arms to calm you. "No it's nothing like that, everyone's safe." You sigh with relief.
"But it's still bad news.. well not bad... I mean bad for you...? I guess I'll just come right out and say it then," he pauses.
"Stefanie is pregnant."
You don't even blink. You stare blankly. Don't react. Not here. Not now.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yep." You day and try to walk away. He blocks you. "No you're not. I know it's a shock but I'm trying to be the good guy here."
Wow. What a fucking prick. "Good guy? That's rich. And no, you're right, I'm not okay. That should have been me! I was your goddamn wife! You always said you had too many responsibilities, too many children, we should wait. So I waited. I put off being a mother for you and then you give your little slut the thing I wanted most." The tears were brimming now but you were on a roll. "I guess it's for the best we never had children. I'm glad I'm finally free from you." With that you turn to go in the opposite direction, back the way you came. You pull out your phone and call Clark.
"Hey there, Beautiful. How'd it go? Paperwork all signed?" His voice was like an instant relief. You sniff and he notices. "Why are you crying." It was barely a question. He already knew it had to do with Bruce. Truthfully, he probably thought you didn't go through with it.
"It's done, everything's final. But I ran into Bruce just now. He had some news." You roll your eyes involuntarily.
"And what was it?"
"His girlfriend is pregnant."
There was silence. "Clark?"
"Why did that make you cry?" You and Clark had never really discussed in length your marriage to Bruce, so he didn't know how badly you wanted children. "Clark, I've always wanted to be a mother. Bruce knew but always told me it wasn't the right time. Looking back I guess I'm glad we never had kids. Who knows how long he's been unfaithful." By now you've reached home, going the long way.
"I'm home now, why don't we talk tonight?"
You open the door and look up to see Clark walking out of the kitchen. You hang up, walk over, and he hugs you with so much love you think you'll start to cry again.
"I want to talk to you about something." You look at him warily. "Okay shoot."
He walks you to the dining room table and motions for you to sit.
"First... I have to make sure; were you upset because you wanted kids or because you wanted his kids." You laugh out loud but he stays serious. Poor guy.
"I just want to be a mother but with a man who won't hurt me." He relaxes a bit.
"Well that's good because I'd never hurt you. I couldn't imagine it." You realize what he's saying. "Are you.. Clark we've only been together a few months, what are you saying?"
"It goes without saying, (y/n). I love you. I know you love me too, we just have such a close connection. You know my deepest secret, I know what you've been through, and I hate to think of how much Bruce has hurt you. Plus... I also want kids. I want a lot of them actually." He laughs and takes your hands.
"Would you want to have children with me, (y/n)? I'm not saying now, I'm not even saying 5 years. I'm just seeing if you want the same things I do."
"I absolutely do, Clark. I just think we should give us some time to develop first. Our relationship so far has been drama after drama. We need to keep calm for a while then talk about the future. Sound good?"
He smiled and kissed you.
"Any plan where I get to have you is a plan I want to be a part of."

Bruce "Emotionally Unavailable" Wayne Where stories live. Discover now