Chapter 8

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I thought that Chris and I would be talking every day, or as much as we could at least. It's been the complete opposite. He rarely picked up, and when he did it would be only minute long conversation before he had to hang up. It made me feel even more alone and abandoned, not to mention slightly irritated. I had plenty to do, but when I did things around the house, all I could think of was him. Even though Chris was away, the baby kept me happy, along with the fact that I loved wearing Chris's shirts. They gave me comfort as they did smell like him, and also the fact that I didn't really have maternity clothes yet either so his shirts were comfy substitutes. My bump was getting pretty big and I hadn't really gotten around to getting an ultrasound yet. I just never had time and I would always forget or something else would come up. I finally got an appointment today for an ultrasound and was eagerly awaiting the results. They'd be able to tell the baby gender and everything. Hailey and Nick were supposed to take me since I couldn't drive because of the baby along with the fact that Chris's mom was working. To pass time, I decided to go into the greenhouse to water some plants. I hummed happily as I'd feel the baby move and I'd giggle. It was practically an obsession to rub my belly as I hummed more. I ran out of the water to spray so I headed back inside. When I did an odor like no other hit my nostrils. I cautiously walked around before feeling something slide into my back. I cried out in pain as I fell to the floor. I turned my head and my face went pale. It was an uncle I hadn't seen in a long time. He wore a crooked smile, "Hello there darlin'." I screamed, "Get out! Get out!" He took the knife he stabbed me with and put it really close to my face, "Oh love, I ain't goin' nowhere. Not after what you did to daddy." He stabbed me again and again until he heard a car come into the driveway. He darted out of the house and I lay in my blood clutching my stomach. I screamed in agony and worry for my baby. "OH MY GOD! NICK, CALL 911!" I saw Hailey's face come into view, "Liz, you're going to be okay! Don't close your eyes okay!" I cried, "My baby. Please let my baby be okay!" Then, I went numb and everything was black.

*Chris's pov*

I just got off stage, sweat poured down my face as I reached for my phone. I saw that there was a voicemail from Hailey. I listened to it and my heart stopped as I heard her screaming.

Chris! Chris! Answer the fucking phone! I came to pick up Liz, and *heavy breathing* there's so much blood. There was a break in, and *heavy breathing and sobs* I think she lost the baby. There's blood everywhere! Please! ANSWER!

I dropped my phone, my hands shook, and I couldn't take a step anywhere. Ghost came up to me and asked, "What's wrong?" Flashbacks went through my head of Elizabeth and blood, I felt dizzy. Ghost grabbed me and shook me, "Chris!" I finally was able to mutter, "Blood...break" Ghosts eyes widened as he picked up my phone, "You're sister is calling." I hesitantly grab the phone from him and answer. "Chris?" I couldn't speak, my breath was heavy, "Chris, we're at the hospital now. You need to get here." "I...I..." Hailey growled, "Don't you dare say you can't! Elizabeth may not wake up Chris! You might lose everything!" I felt my heart break more at the fact Elizabeth may not wake up. "I'll try, okay?" She cried, "Don't try. DO IT!" Before I could say anything else she hung up.

*Elizabeth's pov*

I stirred to Hailey crying, "Don't try. DO IT!" She turned to me and hung up the phone. I opened my mouth, but only a squeak came out. She grabbed me a glass of water and helped me painfully sit up. I could feel every cut on my body. Then, I remembered my stomach. I grabbed it, "I-Is the baby okay?" Hailey smiled, "Yea, they're fine." I shot my head up, "What do you mean they?" She smiled, "You have two of them." I cried and gripped Hailey. I was having twins, and they were okay. Thank God they were okay. Then the image of my uncle flashed into my head, "I-I knew the man who did this to me. To my babies." Hailey exasperated, "Who?" I growled, "A dead man walking. He was my uncle. I haven't seen him since I was five, and I started having flashbacks and remembered why I haven't seen him." She held me a little closer and I changed the subject, "Who was on the phone?" She sighed, "Chris. I yelled at him to get his ass over here." I rolled my eyes, "From the sounds of it he was more worried about his fucking job." She shrugged, "At least I have a little comfort knowing that you're awake. It's a miracle really." "Indeed it is." I turned to see a lady with greying blonde hair in a lab coat. Her blue eyes were dulled with age, "Glad to see you're awake Mrs. Cerulli. I'm Dr. Tess. How are you feeling?" I shrugged, "Like I was sliced and diced, but as long as my babies are okay, I'm okay." She smiled, "Well, I guess that's something positive. Are you up for questions? The police are waiting outside the door. They need permission to question you." I nodded, "Hailey, could you wait outside, please?" She nodded and went outside, and by the looks of her I was guessing she was going to call everyone else to tell them the news. As Hailey walked out two female police officers walked in, and I sobbed as I told them everything.

*Hailey's pov*

I didn't want to leave her in there with the cops, but I obeyed her wishes. After all, she got stabbed 27 times, it's a miracle that the babies, as well as her, survived. I wasn't going to call Chris about the good news because I knew if I did he wouldn't come. Not that I'm certain he would in this situation. It disgusts me, this job has consumed him into obsession. I knew he cared, but he shouldn't feel like he can't come and see his wife who was just stabbed to the verge of death. Chris needed to get his priorities straight, and I hoped that he would to come comfort Liz. I'm glad that her and the babies were okay, but her PTSD was going to get worse. Nick walked up to me and said, "Mom is on her way. Liz is going to stay with us until we are sure that the sicko who did this is behind bars. She'll be safer in our house than on her own in hers." I nodded, agreeing with what my brother said just as we were given permission to go back into the room.

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