Chapter 9

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So I wrote this chapter the night of the midterm elections so this chapter is pretty much centered around voting. Anyway, as usual, votes and comments are greatly appreciated!


Back in Terrasen, Aelin is doing something that no one had expected would ever be done when this war had started. She was setting up a way to have the opinions of her people reported to her though voting.

Now voting is mostly unheard of where kingdoms are involved. Normally, the monarch makes a decision and that decision is carried out though the monarch's absolute power. The only way the people could influence those decisions is through advisors to the ruler.

Since Aelin is doing something unprecedented, she must pioneer the way for it to be done. The specifics must be ironed out, rules must be made, and new positions must be filled. As always, Aelin is up to the challenge.

After weeks of deliberating, the court has come to a conclusion. The best way to start would be to have a leader in each area of the kingdom who would then participate in a vote for matters regarding the nation as a whole. The people in each area would be able to petition to their leader in order to express their views on the matters.

They could keep that system if they are satisfied with it, or they could switch to allowing the people an even greater say by allowing some kind of general vote that everyone could participate in.

Now the second system would be much harder to implement. They would have to decide who would qualify to vote, how to register to vote, and where and when it would take place. It would also only be able to be used for large decisions because polling the entire county on small matters would be exhausting for everyone. Even just the logistics of getting such a large number of people to vote at once would be nearly impossible.

But then again, many had said it would be impossible for Aelin to even become queen so who says she can not start a vote.

Aelin loves the thought of giving her people a say in their government's affairs. It would keep them from feeling hopeless in times of struggle as they could vote for the change they need.

Now, she just has to get it to work.

Many of the older Lords think that she is absolutely insane, and maybe she is, but this is the future of her country. A place where everyone can have a voice.

Of corse it is a lot easier said than done.

Aelin walks the halls of her castle, puzzling out the best way to implement her plans. She has always found it easier to think when she is moving around and has other things to focus on.

She rounds the corner and comes face to face with Fenrys.

"What is my queen up to today?" He asks.

"Just thinking about the whole voting situation."

Fenrys hums in response. They have been debating over the topic for the past few weeks.

"May I join you on your walk?"

"Of corse pup, you think I could say no to that face?" Aelin says.

Fenrys smiles and follows her through the halls quietly. He gives her room and silence to think but also his unwavering support behind her.

They pause at a window overlooking a training center for the new castle guards.

"Wherever the future takes us, know that we are all behind you." Fenrys says.

"Thank you" Aelin says sincerely. She can't think of anything to say that would accurately portray how she feels knowing that she has the support of her family.

"Not just your court but also your people and your allies. We all want a better future and you can give that to all of us. After everything you have done for us, you deserve everything anyone can give you." Fenrys says. He looks his queen dead in the eyes and tries to convey how much he loves her and the rest of their family.

"Pup.." Aelin starts. She can not find the words to finish her thought and just settles for pulling the wolf into a hug.

Fenrys returns the hug before pulling her down the hall to what has become the court's sitting room.

Aelin is faced with the rest of her court and knows that they will be with her no matter what comes, be it hell or high water.

She moves to plop down in her mate's lap and receives a hug and a kiss.

Yes, they can do this.

Time to change the world.


We get more of Aelin and Rowan in the next chapter!

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