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I was woken by someone knocking on the door

I got up and walked down stairs to open the door

I opened it and there stood Grayson

"Hey g-." I was cut off by Grayson locking his lips with mine

"Did you feel it." He said breaking the kiss

"N-no just leave please" I lied not being able to look at him

He sighed and walked away I closed the door and slid down it

I felt something

I wish he would have stayed he just left like that.

He left with out saying a word

What am I doing I put my head in my hands and sighed

I heard someone knock witch made me jump

I open the door expecting Grayson I sighed and open the door

"Please jus-" I stopped and realised it was aj

"Oh hey aj." I said forcing a smile out

"Hey hay I've got a idea where we can put joe." He said walking in and putting stuff down

"But first where's the snacks." He said

"In there." I pointed towards the refrigerator

He walked over

And pulled out a bag of cheetos

"Anyway like I was saying my idea is to take him to Canada." He said while pulling aloads of cheetos in his mouth 

"That's kinda cruel." I said

"Its not as bad as what he did to your mom" he said laying on the sofa

"True let's do it." I sighed

He pulled his phone out and looked at the time

He got up "Well I better get going I have to pack." I had no idea what he ment by pack but I let it slide

After he left I got a shower and changed into

my pjs and got into bed about to fall asleep

And it hit Me

It's my sister's wedding tommrow

"Grayson." I jumped up out of my sleep saying his name

Trouble G.D  (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now