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- saige perspective


10 year old saige was walking back from school she was only 4 blocks away from home and she was so tired she felt anxious and every 10 seconds she would look behind her to see if anyone's there she saw a tall muscular black man around his 30's dressed in all black she started to walk faster and so did he she knew a shortcut so she ran down the alley she heard loud black timberlands stomping behind she felt herself being grabbed and she fell back first on the wet cold ground while the man sat on top off her pulling down her school skirt and tights she screamed as loud as she can "stop ! Help me someone please help" but no one seemed to hear her small petite voice scream for help as she was expecting the man rammed himself into her causing her to scream out of pain she felt a hard loud punch to the nose causing her nose to break

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