clowns, clowns, clowns

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i tapped my pen impatiently, waiting for the next act to get on. amanda turned to me, ready to blab about something that i could only nod along to. "wouldn't it be wonderful if there was this huge musical act? disney princesses and princes singing the classics!" she gushed. i hummed mindlessly in agreement. i subtly cast a glance towards david. he was staring blankly at nothing in particular, sucking on his index finger.

i watched the glossy product of his soft, pink tongue coat his finger carefully. the way his lips wrapped round his finger.. how he let go with a loud pop.. his gaze no longer seemed blank but intense as lustful fantasies swirled about in his mind...

maniac laughter and giggling interrupted my train of thought. arousal had been violently replaced with fear as clowns with smears of paints splattered carelessly on their faces scorned the fearful audience. i gulped as amanda shrieked next to me, her hands fluttering over her mouth as the clowns howled with laughter.

david was watching me, his gaze sharpened its edge with concern. my head spun wildly with fear as i quietly tried to control my breathing. i glued my eyes to the ground, trying to block out any sound. i could barely hear my name being called. simon? simon! amanda, switch seats with me. 

 i felt a warm hand dwarf mine. i slowly lifted my eyes to meet david's calm gaze. "hello, darling," he smiled teasingly. i smiled weakly. though his voice was as playful as ever, his eyes seemed to know how much i needed him right now. i mouthed a shaky thank you. he shifted his attention to the act as they danced on stage. the corners of his mouth turned up in a tiny smile as he gently caressed my hand.

i sighed and relaxed.


requested by the incredibly supportive


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