Chapter 3: Finale

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There i stood, bare-ass naked in the rain. Soaking wet and filled with the anger of 3 moderately emo teenagers, I waited for my prey. This time, I wasn't going to be the victim. This time, I was gonna heavy feek some gorilla cheeks - Tarzan style.
Days passed, meals were missed, meat was left unbeaten. I had both shidded and farded, but I was saving the came for the big finale. I was going to bust such an unholy load that it would wipe sharpeisha clean out of existence. This is my design.
Then, in the distance I heard it. The chilling sound of sharpeisha's mating call. A mixture of turtle orgasms and warm diarrhea, I followed the noise to its source.
There he was, just sucking like an entire dingo tiddy. I waited for the perfect moment to strike, and just as he was about to finish up, I pounced
I didn't even give him time to see who had come for him. I overpowered him, and put him face down on the floor. Without hesitation I initiated M A X I M U M P E N E T R A T I O N with the sheer power of every horny sex deprived teenager throughout the ages. I pinned him against a nearby tree and hardcore fucked his asshole to dust - just like my uncle taught me. I could feel it, this was it. I felt the intense feeling creep up the base of my cock as I unleashed a nut that literally just made him turn to dust because my cum is like thanos' snap (watch out suzie lol).

So here I stand, tall and proud, dick swaying in the mountain breeze. My enemies defeat via seminal liquid. I am strong. I am powerful. Nothing can get in my way now.

O R C A N I T ?

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