New school

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~Ashlees pov~

"Wake up!" My little brother, Hayes, yells.

"It's only 5:00!!" I groan. he's a morning person, I hate morning people.

"We have our first day at our new school! You need to make a good impression! And you take forever to get ready anyway, so I thought I'd give you time."

"Thanks" I answer and sit up. "Now get out" I say and he walks out.

My name is Ashlee Grier. I'm a 16 year old girl. I just moved to England from Australia because my parents wanted a new start. I don't mind though, I had no friends after the dare.


I was in year nine, walking down the halls with my friends, I was in the popular group and we were playing truth or dare. "Dare" I say. "I dare you, to kiss Alex on the lips, tongue and all." Alex was a very discusting kid, who no one ever talked to, let alone kiss, so no one thought I would. but I did. After I kissed him, I went to go back to my friends, but they walked away, disgusted. no one talked to be after that.

**End flashback**

I look in the mirror. I have medium long, red hair and freckles. People tease me because of that, but I love me look. I am an average weight, and and pretty short. I take a shower then brush my hair, and put it up in a ponytail. I put on a pink tank top with a unicorn on the front and a pair of denim shorts.

On my way downstairs, I run into my twin, Nash. "Wow, slow down there, Piglet."  Piglet is his nick name for me. He calls me this because I'm small and I apparently snort when I laugh. "Morning Nash." I say and we walk to the kitchen.

My dad and Hayes are sitting at the table, and mum is cooking breaky.

"Morning everyone" I say and sit down.

"Morning" my parents answer simultaneously.

"mmmmm, bacon" Nash says to mum. "Yep, your favourite!" She says back.

After breakfast, I finish getting ready. I put on black vans and grab my bag. "Cya mum! Cya dad!"  I yell and walk out the door. Me and my brothers walk to school together. "We don't have any classes together" Nash says. He seems, sad, about that. I don't know why, I thought he would be happy. "Damn" I say.

"I wonder if the girls are hot" Hayes says and Nash agrees.

"Your only 13!" I say to Hayes "you shouldn't be thinking about that!"

"I bet your thinking about how hot the boys are!" he jokes back. "No!" I lie.

When we get to school we all go our own ways. "ello!" A pretty girl with blond hair says as she walks up to me, "I don't think I've seen you before, what your name?"

"hey, I'm Ashlee, I just moved here from Australia, what's your name?" I reply, I like her already!

"I'm Taylor." She says "what's your first class?"

"Yay, maths, you?

"same!" she says, she's a very cheerful person. "I'll show you where it is?"

"yes, thankyou!" I say and we walk further into the school.





Hey kittens, so, how do you like my first chapter? I know it's short, and I'm sorry.

So I'm thinking of asking a question at the end of each chapter for you guys to answer in the comments?

Like this one is, what is you favourite sport?

Mine is soccer!! 

Yeah so do you guys like that idea? :)

also if you could vote and comment that would be FABULOUS!!  :D

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