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Taylor and I walk into the maths class and she introduces me to some of her friends.

"This is Cam" she says.

"Hey" he says.


Just then a tall boy with brown curly hair and dreamy green eyes walk in. As I look closer, I notice he has tattoos. Lots of them.

"Hey babe, haven't you before" he smirks.

Him calling me 'babe' makes my stomach flutter. And I don't even know his name.

"Speechless? I do that to people, I'm Harry, but you can call me your boyfriend" he says with a wink.

"I'm Ashlee, and I think I'll stick to Harry" I say back and shake his hand. "Awe, come on babe, give me a chance?" I can't help but smile, he is perfect. "I might" I say. Just then the bell goes to start class.

I sit in the front since I love class. I hope he sits at the back, away from me. He doesn't seen to be someone I want to have in my life. He sort of reminds me of Alex. Alex, I miss him.

Someone calling my name breaks me from my thoughts.

"Miss Grier. I would appreciate it if you listened during my class."

Mr Krudd says. "Anyway, I asked if you could please come up here and introduce your self?"

"y-yeah, s-sure" I studder, I'm no good at speaking infront of people. I walk up to the front. "My name is Ashlee Grier, I'm 17, and I just moved here from Australia." I run back to my chair and sit down.

Class goes really quickly and I'm thankful for that. Taylor and I are walking to our next class, PE, when I see Harry and his mates picking on a boy with bright green hair. "Oi! Leave him alone!!" I yell and walk closer. Just then Harry's mate with black hair throws a punch and the green haired boy and I scream. "what did he do to you?!" I run closer and see if the boys okay. "Go away" I say to them through gritted teeth. "Whatever" I hear one mumble as they walk away.






Hey kittens. New chapter :)

Okay, so, what's your favourite colour? 

Mines pink :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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