The Beginning

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WEAPONS: (Use the picture as reference) Changes in the actual weapon: The axe actually has blue handle

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WEAPONS: (Use the picture as reference) Changes in the actual weapon: The axe actually has blue handle. It has a similar dual blade on the other side. On both the sides the top sharp edges are hidden, detachable daggers. Vertically, in the exact middle of the axe the weapon can be split into two for double handed use.

3rd POV

~Inside the Sapphire mansion~

Thunder roared outside the Sapphire mansion. The head butler of the houshold paced about the house, making sure that all the windows were shut closed.

His footsteps echoed throughout the mansion while the rest of the servants slept.

His mind wandered of towards his mistress who was outside in this awful storm. He wasn't worried about her safety, no, he knew she would be fine. The thing he was worried about was she might catch a cold in this rain.

He sighed as he thought about his stubborn mistress, while closing the last window.

He blow of the candles, the only sources of light in the dark mansion and went off to his chambers to wait for her.

-In the Jason Villa, master bedroom-

The room was pitch the only thing that one could make out was the sound of muffled whimpering that sound to be coming from a male.

A crack of thunder was heard and lightening made the room visible of a second. But the scene that flashed was beyond horrifying.

A mysterious girl clad in navy blue clothing, holding a dual edged axe that had the similar blades on the other side, stood before a man who was covered in blood but it didn't seem to his. The girl was in same condition except the fact that unlike the man, who seemed to in his late thirties, didn't show any fear. Heck, she didn't have any emotions in those beatiful, bright blue hues.

The man's fearful whimpers never seem to stop. In a quick motion the girl, who seemed to be around 15, swung her axe at the man and impelled him in the heart, with one of the pointed dagger like edge on the top of one of the sides. Killing the man immediately.

The brownish orbs that held intense fear for his life only a few seconds ago, now dulled to nothing more than lifeless eyeballs.

The girl, indifferent of the fact that she just killed someone, threw open the window through which the lightening had glowed into room. She jumped from the second floor window of the villa and landed gracefully on a nearby fence.

During the stunt in the downpour her hood fell back, revealing long, silky, wavy white hair that seemed to be the only part of hers that wasn't covered in blood. But she couldn't care less about it.

As soon as her feet touched the fence she leaped again on the adjoining house's roof, she jumped from roof to roof and eventually disappearing in the dark, rainy night, staying true to her nickname the 'Deathly Shadow'.

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